Let me make this clear guys, the format change will only happen with the support of the league managers, but it does seem to have a lot of support.
We have not yet decided what we are going to do with the size of the league, I don’t think we need to increase the number of teams playing but this format will appeal to most of the players out there so I expect teams who gain a place will not struggle in getting players.
We did indeed run two events with the air at 3000psi and no problems were apparent, we do supply fill stations at both ends of the field and if we do go ahead with this league it will be just like transposing a PSP field to the UK, with separate staging areas for the teams with there own duel fill air stations, hell even the refs who will be doing it have done the finals at the world cup and are possibly the most respected refs in the States along with the NXL guys.
I understand the argument in respect of the CPL v PSP I am not anti CPL at all but to be honest we need to go PSP at this point because of the similarity of the rulebooks, and it’s Xball we need to play not a watered down version that just benefits the guys who count the money.