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R-A-C til i D-I- E
Jul 3, 2006
Despite the heat and lack of judges i still think crucial mistakes were made not only on my games but on plenty of others. i saw a player slide into the snake and clearly injure himself on the way in. a marshall moved over to him and stood there sayin are you alright while the player writhed in agony, a few spectators ran over to tell the marshal to stop the game at which point he replied with "he'll be alright", as he says this a player runs up and mugs the payer who is now even more clearly in pain, and after a few more spectataors start shouting at the marshall to stop the game does he finally decide to blow his whistle!!!! whether the marshall can make game decisions or not he surely must be taught to stop the game at the first possible hint of a playas safety being at risk!!! this was amongst a whole list of basic mistakes i saw. obviously more marshalls would help but the right ones must be picked for the job!!!!
I still feel that none of the fields had really been thought out, clearly they wanted everyone to push the tapes but i felt that this could be done with out sacrificing the middle of the field which on field one and two was clearly the case!!!


knee is broken again :[
Dec 3, 2004
West Mids
thaphilsatar said:
as he says this a player runs up and mugs the payer who is now even more clearly in pain
Yeah that was me :( , (mugger not player) felt real bad for the poor guy, marshal didnt assert the situation quick enough as not even the guy coaching knew what was going on...hence the mugging.

Saying that tho the heat was INTENSE!...i dont like marshalling full stop let alone in those conditions, fields were good but 3 needed something central IMO as it made for a very cramped breakout on each side of the gate, unfortunately we had 8 of our games on that fiedl which was unfortunate, would have thought we'd have a better spread of fields than that but hey was still a great day...


Jul 10, 2004
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thaphilsatar said:
yet again we turn up on at the pa on sunday after wot seems like the longest drive in the world, and the fields as per usual are the worst layouts ive ever seen!! the marshalling again, below any standard i ve ever played before. i just dont understand how they can fail so miserably on two of the most important areas of a tournament.
Maybe next time ref's let us down and we're short, the ones that made the effort should refuse to go out, pack up and go home... Trust me, I could have found better things to do than ref 52 games in that heat & listening to all the bitching and moaning.......

Good to see a lot of the other teams appreciated the effort we put in! Thanks for your support guys


R-A-C til i D-I- E
Jul 3, 2006
Its not just at this event that the marshalling has been a problem, if marshalls are consistently dropping out maybe this is a problem that needs to be reviewed by the pa!! rather than just hoping that it will sort itself out. Most of the marshalls did an out standing job it just seems that some are making basic mistakes throughout the series.
No personal offence intended Banzai, i realise that its not your fault that marshalls dont turn up. but people pay a lot of money to play in the series and its an issue if these basic problems still havent been sorted out halfway through the series.

Iron Lions - Ed

Active Member
Oct 16, 2003
Agree, more marshall would be nice but despite the odd mistake they are good at their jobs.

I think better enforcement of the "don't backchat/threaten refs" which some teams seem to do on a regular basis might help stop refs wondering why they bother and deciding to leave.


R-A-C til i D-I- E
Jul 3, 2006
i agree one hundred percent bout threatenin refs any one who threatens a ref should be banned. however if a ref makes a bad call if you dont argue it there and then there is no chance of it ever bein changed. maybe that is the wrong attitude but when a ref makes a bad mistake it is v hard to bite your tongue.


Jul 10, 2004
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Iron Lions - Ed said:
I think better enforcement of the "don't backchat/threaten refs" which some teams seem to do on a regular basis might help stop refs wondering why they bother and deciding to leave.
We have lost a few refs because of this, they decided it was not worth the grief they get.

I fully understand the need to vent when your on the end of a bad call and there is a precedure for any problems on field. All issues should be raised through the Team Captain with the Field ultimate before signing the score sheets.
Banzi said:
We have lost a few refs because of this, they decided it was not worth the grief they get.

I fully understand the need to vent when your on the end of a bad call and there is a precedure for any problems on field. All issues should be raised through the Team Captain with the Field ultimate before signing the score sheets.
By then it is almost always too late to do anything about it. It's a tough one for both sides, though I agree of course that refs should never have to put up with physical threats.


setting things right
Nov 29, 2004
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I Have to say well done to all the refs i know how it is as i marshall the master 5/7man and the last one was jut as warm if not warmer then the p.a was but im sure it will rain for us all at the nxt event :p , yes a few bad calls got made but its paintball and it happens!

my concern was the fact that the guy was just laying down in the snake in pain and it took him to get mugged b4 a marshall relised that the guy was hurt, other then that the marshall was great, and i had a great return to the p.a.

Everytime i asked for a call the marshall went and pulled the guy out, i didnt have 1 single proplem my self that day ^_^

well done lads! and see u on the 6th