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Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Hmmm just think if this is what Rec'ball done to you maybe we should try Sup air ;) :p ;)

I think you'll find it's not so much the format but the people who represent that format that tended to be a problem for me and in proball...well, what can I say apart from it stinks and it's getting smellier.

I do not mean to suggest that all people involved in the pro scene are culpable but like most areas of life, a small number of scumbags tend to spoil it for everyone else and it's another unortunate fact of life that the behaviour of these scumbags not only becomes somewhat 'representative' but it also tends to set the agenda for everyone else, e.g. designer mode cheating to name but one area.


F orum Battle Organiser
Nov 23, 2005
South Wales/Cali
I think you'll find it's not so much the format but the people who represent that format that tended to be a problem for me and in proball...well, what can I say apart from it stinks and it's getting smellier.

I do not mean to suggest that all people involved in the pro scene are culpable but like most areas of life, a small number of scumbags tend to spoil it for everyone else and it's another unortunate fact of life that the behaviour of these scumbags not only becomes somewhat 'representative' but it also tends to set the agenda for everyone else, e.g. designer mode cheating to name but one area.

Jeeesh just got off the phone to someone who's in the industry lets say and he said exactly the same. Guess the higher up the go, more **** you have to do deal with


Ambassador of BOING!
Bugger, ok, seeing as I got this split off, I should try to put some words to the things that have flashed through my head whilst reading it, and seeing as Robbo is very fond of the "engage brain before fingers" line, perhaps the afternoon after a nightshift isn't best, but here goes.

I stick by the fact that I think PGI is an excellent magazine, I look forward to receiving it, and think it's well produced and highly informative about the game/sport that i love to play... But what I find happening though, is I start reading it and it's interesting, I like what i'm reading and quite happy to shut the world out "a la sunday papers" I get through reviews, what's happened in the pro-leagues, news, team changes, advice, tactics, and then when I get to the last few articles about the US leagues, I start hearing what the other-half is sayting, and thinking about the new wallpaper or the curtains ;).... and the magazine slowly gets resigned to a corner somewhere and I can never get the motivation to finish it.. I've spoken to mates who also subscribe and have exactly the same effect, it's kinda difficult to keep relating to the US market when you're not part of it.

Now I hear what you're saying about your demographic, and yes, we're the tiny drop in the ocean and you can't cover small leagues in the UK without feeling that you're alienating that demographic. But c'mon? Two or three pages on the UK or even a Europe scene as a whole? Is that likely to make Joe American dump PGI for becoming Eurocentred? I'm guessing that every paintballer in the UK who plays tournament in some form (and recball if that coverage is increased) buys PGI at least sporadically...so what you're talking about is a small country with a very high take-up rate for the magazine, which is being dismissed as a very small part of the magazine's demographic, and that's a shame for customers with such loyalty, I know there are other publications in the UK which cover UK scene, but is PGI's response really to tell UK ballers to hand over cash to a competitor?

This feeling mainly came about when I read about the US college league articles that started in the magazine, I actually, for a moment, thought it would perhaps cover the University leagues in the UK as well, but was disappointed. Again this is an article I (and probably 99% of the uk readers) skip straight over...and while it is quite a large network I would guess, it is covering minor league US events, surely the UK's major events deserve similar page space? After all, how many threads have been opened and debated at length about the state of UK ball... Perhaps just a page or two of UK news or reviews, UK team news, even bi-monthly, in the premier Paintball Magazine, would encourage UK ballers to start taking more pride in their game and feel the need to push it forward?

I can already feel Pete's Quick Unpick poised above my reasoning, and await the threads to be destroyed like a tapestry with some angry kittens ;) - While saying all of the above, I can appreciate the mouth the magazine has to feed and understand all of Robbo's supporting arguments, and wouldn't want to be considered a twat disregarding them and blindly declaring what we should have, (and I definitely wouldn't want to make a big man vomit and laugh at the same time, not a nice mental picture ;) ) - It's an opinion and a feeling I have every time I open the mag, and I guess as this is the place to air opinions, whether do-able or not, it's the place to put it....

*dons flame-retardant underwear*


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Now I hear what you're saying about your demographic, and yes, we're the tiny drop in the ocean and you can't cover small leagues in the UK without feeling that you're alienating that demographic. But c'mon? Two or three pages on the UK or even a Europe scene as a whole? Is that likely to make Joe American dump PGI for becoming Eurocentred? I'm guessing that every paintballer in the UK who plays tournament in some form (and recball if that coverage is increased) buys PGI at least sporadically...so what you're talking about is a small country with a very high take-up rate for the magazine, which is being dismissed as a very small part of the magazine's demographic, and that's a shame for customers with such loyalty, I know there are other publications in the UK which cover UK scene, but is PGI's response really to tell UK ballers to hand over cash to a competitor?
I have quoted this part of your post because Beaks has answered some of what needs to be addressed but from my point of view, here goes :-
If we say 'yes' to you then we immediately open the doors to the French, Germans and so on..and we do this because, as I have mentioned, we are an international paintball magazine that just happens to be printed in the UK.

Magazines have to be printed somewhere and just because you happen to be in the country of printing, does not automatically mean you will receive preferred coverage.
Our primary responsibility is to make money, and to do this, we have to consider our customers and I'm afraid you have little understanding if you believe magazine sales provide our primary income stream, they do not.
Advertising does and guess what?
Where do all the industry reside?

Now, i don't really need to spell out the consequences of that.
Sales of magazines themselves (subs and newsstands) merely cover costs of production, it doesn't cover editorial or attendant expenditure, just the cost of the physical production.
No magazine sells all of their copies and so every month carries a deficit of magazines that have been printed but not sold and so, the magazines that are sold then not only have to be paid for themselves but also for the ones that didn't....getting the picture?

Now, whilst you may be quite interested to see yourself and your mate at the Cleethrorpes 5 man, I'm afraid the major demographic ain't gonna lose much sleep if in fact we don't cover that event.

The universal attractions only begin to take shape when we start climbing the ladder...and this is achieved when we begin covering international events such as the NPPL, PSP and Millenniums etc.
Parochial events in the UK might be important to you mate but in the scheme of things?
Well.....sorry to disappoint ya but I'm afraid they ain't that important.

And we can't even the beat the drum of the UK being preeminent in Europe (or even, anywhere near the top) like we once were because we have no teams anywhere near able to compete with the big boys, in fact, only Joy and the Ruskies could be ever described as serious European paintball teams, the rest just scrabble for crumbs left behind ....
There have been a few people who have tried to reinvigorate the UK scene but in the end, these people just gave up, tired of the indifference and lack of enthusiasm.

Overall, we get what we deserve ....both in terms of Millennium representation and consequent success, and also coverage in mags.

If we had a team who could compete at the highest level, then we would necessarily cover it but we ain't, nowhere frikkin near it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2002
And we can't even the beat the drum of the UK being preeminent in Europe (or even, anywhere near the top) like we once were because we have no teams anywhere near able to compete with the big boys, in fact, only Joy and the Ruskies could be ever described as serious European paintball teams, the rest just scrabble for crumbs left behind ....
There have been a few people who have tried to reinvigorate the UK scene but in the end, these people just gave up, tired of the indifference and lack of enthusiasm.

Overall, we get what we deserve ....both in terms of Millennium representation and consequent success, and also coverage in mags.

If we had a team who could compete at the highest level, then we would necessarily cover it but we ain't, nowhere frikkin near it.
And considering the Russians & Joy are the European teams, you only cover them & their results, & their training tips (sometimes); you don't really cover events in Sweden or Russia, or at least not that I've seen anyway.