Some of the threads on the forum tend to get a bit "serious" when they start having a go at other players, site owners, tournie organisers and especially marshals.
This thread is the funniest thread I have read on the forum for a long time, (Yes I can still read even though I now need reading glasses) keep the thread going.
Yes the event will happen possibly 30 Nov or 7 Dec depending on other events, location will be Skirmish Nottingham, fields will be a mix of Hyperball, Supair ball and woods

Nick and myself will sort the details out in the next couple of days. We will also be contacting the "trade" for sponsorship, since most companies in UK paintball are run by over 35's I am sure they will help.
The bottom line -- If we can sort out a deal with a couple of marshalling crews and other elements that make for a successful tournie, once the expenses have been taken out of the game fee the balance will be donated to charity.
Maybe we could get the trade to "sponsor" a team of marshals (cash, paint or products then the game fee element set aside for marshalling could be donated to charity) Sponsor the food, sponsor the air, sponsor the scoreboard/rotas/paperwork etc... the more we can get sponsored the more will be donated to charity.
This is thinking aloud but I am sure it can happen.
Pete - if I play and get to the "fifty" I will donate £10 to the charity because it would be an achievement. If I hung a flag then it would have to be £25. (I think my money is safe!!!)