School halls
Steer away from "guns" and "shooting".Try these.....they work.
Say you plan on involving local youths, getting them off the streets and focusing on team building and social skills. State you represent local youth culture and plan on steering them in the right direction.
If schools and local authorities can be convinced that you are involved in helping the community and making their life easier, they will love it. Tell them what they want to hear and ask advice, they love it!
Give them dvd's - Sky sports coverage is good, as is the SP events. Remember you are selling them on the idea.
As I say, anyone who wants help or advice get in touch, I'll try my best to help.
Some guys who have used Reball with us have shown a marked improvement with just one 8 hour session, far more than they would in a month of "on field" training. Don't get the impression you can replace on field with Reball, that's not the reason to use it