For a country who believed in the 2 snipers being terrorists i wont believe such trash talk.
Anyway, who say's large events go without a hitch?
And why should pushing someone with a marker/tank be different from an all out slug fest that is so common in many sports.
I was there too...didn't hear about either incident. The Salm thing was the major headshaker that everyone talking. Seems like there's been alot of violence this year. The thing at MGO, WC of I've seen some pretty nasty behavior at a couple of practices I've been to...earlier this year I had to deck a ref for taking a swing at one of my players with his gun...I don't feel good about it, but I didn't see the point in a ref with a poor attitude bringing violence to the field. The ref in question wasn't reffing at the time..he'd made the poor choice of challenging my front runner to a game and got a little pissy when he got his ass handed to him. Needless to say, I don't go to that field anymore.
If the police had brought riot gear, would that include Tippmann Prolites with tear gas paintballs? What happens when those tear gas balls break in the barrel?
More seating would've been nice alright.
The strange thing was how clean those dozen porta-johns were... downright eerie, now that I think about it.