Ive been out of the sport now for a number of months, not played apart in any form what so ever, left the great team i played for, i used to be highly focused and motivated on it, it was for me a way of life, games, team, forum, organising tech and kit for people.
The enthusiasm over the years just ebbed away, ( was so sick of listerning to the broken record ).
Ive got to say TB always had my support, until going back a few years he screwed over a bunch of lads close to him, over a possible smallish deal.
As we the team were discussing behind the scenes wether to accept an offer which he was apart of, he decided he was going to have that deal for himself and proceded to do just that and took that deal for himself and his own branded teams. ( That didnt sit well with me personaly and a good few of the lads )
You would think the guys would have said, you know what FU thats lower than low ( obviously not ) , but they didnt.
I had questions in my mind about what he was all about months before that, but decided it would be better to ignore, as i had seen what he dose when he dosent get his own way, he had been giving several players a rough time, who did not deserve it, for example Dunc, Duncs Mrs, mick, Rob, Lee, and Pete thats for starters.
he treated them so bad, but the shiet list was growing bigger by the day so you didnt want to rock the boat.
All of his inner circle hated with a passion what he was doing by singling people out, we just kept quiet. The fact is most of the older players grit there teeth and just get on with it, the new guys just follow him like sheep for free stuff / tip bits and that all special pat on the head for a great job done. ( grooming ) thats the best / only description i can think of, ( grooming the impressionable ), thats pretty much what it boils down to, and if out of that grooming process youve got your own thoughts and ideas about how stuff should be done, then your not in favour and instantly orstrosised.
Ive got to say, reading back the accounts that Pete Russell ( paintball pete ) and Lee whickham posted are totaly true, it dosent matter what spin TB puts on them, those two guys i hold in high regard and i know for a fact there stories are water tight. TBs DEFENCE is just so full of inaccuracies and to be honest full of nonsense and non truths.
Another case of the guys who are closest to him, nodding yep TB is totaly telling the truth liking all those FB posts without knowing what the truth acctauly is.
When they read this, because they will all read it, most know exactly what im saying wether they want to hear it or not and that its all made up stories probley involving copious amounts of gin and paranoid thoughts, but they defend him they cant help it. The amount of people speaking out, cannot be ignored, its staggering.
So people here are making stories up, surely not.!!!
What really took the biscuit though is this.!
UKS as a resource for the scenario player was fantastic and the loyal members and mods like myself happily pointed players in the right direction with the dont buy shiet buy this brand of kit as it will suit your playing needs kinda advice.
This forum and its resources was killed off single handedly overnight virtualy by TB, taking everything to Face Book, as he had decided overnight that internet forums were dead, so he had total control and could ban who he wanted to keep people asking the hard questions he didnt like, i really dont care what people say about it, thats a fact, i had a very recent conversation with and old mod still a mate of TB and a good mate of mine, when this very conversation took place, his responce... was ( real life and FB killed it...) Im sorry no thats just not right at all, and he knows it the, but choses to ignore what happend.
Most if not all of this has been said before on here, and other places, a no BS account of some of the repugnant last few years in the sport.
The list could and probley should go on from my memory, ill probley continue with this, if i get some free time.
The above are all my personal thoughts, after years of personaly seeing the master at work.
What a smeg head...!!