Just wanted to say a quick thank you to the orgainsers and players at the Bandwagon event today. Some hard fought games and victories for both the Fawkes Team and MI 5 before MI 5 managed to win the day 1850 -v- 1550.i'm 001 ...i wonder who 007 is?
cable ties and hole punch much in order me thinks.
See you all on Sunday mornin'
Mark all of our team were on MI5 with you yesterday and enjoyed it loads, the weather was'nt great but the atmosphere was, and thankyou, along with all the guys who organized the event rgds Dred... www.team-venom.co.ukBig thankyou to all those players who came and got totally soaked....
Excellent day...
Thanks to Draxxus/Procaps for supporting this event!!!!
was a good game. gonna have to get some waterproof stuff for next game. was probably carring an extra few kilo in water on my clothes!Mark all of our team were on MI5 with you yesterday and enjoyed it loads, the weather was'nt great but the atmosphere was, and thankyou, along with all the guys who organized the event rgds Dred... www.team-venom.co.uk
the golden ticket game was a neat idea - very amusing.Just echoing the others - excellant day!
Good atmosphere, good play and good missions especially the last one - The big bang was great!
Pity Fawkes didn't win but then I spose it only followed history!
Best bit for me was the Golden Ticket shoot out - well played to all.