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One for the refs

Kevin Winter

Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2008
Had a lovely moment in my last event - big argument kicked off at the other end of the field between one of my players and a couple of the oppo, plus a ref. Meanwhile, I jogged down the field and hit the buzzer for the point.... ;)


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
I had a guy and his dad completely explode on me once. Purely because I'd pulled a player of his for an obvious hit. Well, not purely that, they had a s**t day because they were a bunch of chumps. Seriously, i thought I was gonna get punched, they called me all the names under the sun. But the best part of it was the guy's 14 year old daughter came over after they'd gone, crying her eyes out and apologised to me for what a dick her dad was.

They even phoned Phoenix the next day and complained about me.

I'd name names, but....
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Pistolas y Corazones
Dec 9, 2006
Some of the refs at tournaments I've played hand out 141s like sweets. He pulls you, you turn and say something like "it's a fair cop" and he thinks you're gobbing off so he gives you another penalty. Not playing tournaments right now because of rubbish like that.


CPPS Chief Chimp
Mar 26, 2008
For us, it's more protecting refs from getting "abuse" after getting shot (I wasn't really talking about just mumbling to yourself after making a stupid move). We have to take a sensible approach to things like pack shots and ease off the Millennium approach slightly and those judgements are at the hands of the refs at that time. For the lower divisions, it's about people having a good day more than anything and easing people into the rules and guiding them through the day.

All this comes down to experience and finding that balance. Go too far, and people just get frustrated with penalties, too lax and people get annoyed that nothing is being done to stop playing on etc. This is why we want to invest in our refs and spread the knowledge from those that have been doing it the longest and have the most experience. Respect is my priority though, as without that, both sides just get a raw deal.

Al Woods

GFH Trouble Maker
Jul 7, 2001
Your 30
Good word there: respect. I think respect for the players, the game and the refs is pretty much the holy trinity to a great event!!

Just to clarify too, I didn't post this to say its all good to scream and bawl at the refs, its more about in game banter, 'come on ref check him' 'on his loader' 'get in there judge have a look'. Decisions are made for a reason which is why you gotta do all you can to make sure you own people.

I agree in relaxing the rules too. We ain't the PSP, NPPL or Millennium so the ref can use their nouse more.


Feb 11, 2002
Planet, 0161
having done a fair bit of reffing now, and been ultimate on cpps fields for most events of the last 2(3?) seasons its pretty much par for the course that at some point in the day there will be the odd heated word thrown around and 99% of the time there is no harm in it, usually coming from a bad call by a ref (sometimes myself) which i have to sort out or from spotting a player doing something he shouldnt, i would say field ultimates especially if they are doing their job right will cop more more flack than any one else on the day.
however 99% of the time things happen in the heat of the moment, everyone is playing a high speed, adrenaline fueled sport and so even the nicest of person can loose the plot for a couple of minutes now and then, god knows ive done it myself. teddy throwing and dummy spitting will always be part of any such sport....and in this 99% of the time everyone calms down and starts to see things clearly in a few minutes and everyone shakes hands.....and most of the time someone holds their hand up and says "yes it was my fault i was a tit".
as a ref i wear a pretty distinctive mask for a reason, so that players get to know me and im not just another faceless no one stood at the sideline, and over the last couple of seasons ive had some pretty decent shouting matches with a fair few players, and i would defiantly say ive made some friends as a result of some of the on field banter, players spot me, i spot them and a cheeky "got my eye on you" starts the morning with a smile rather than hostility, ok i dont know them all by name and they probably have no idea who i am but it sets the tone, players and teams (and refs) learn from mistakes as well as success.

in reply directly to Al's original post yes you are a lovely chap off the field but i recall in Blackpool almost having to rugby tackle your good self and Mr Latham to get you to stop bloody playing on ;) fairly sure there was the odd expletive thrown both ways and afterward we all had a laugh about it .....yes the Blackpool event was slightly more relaxed than a Millennium event for example but i think thats the sort of thing you are talking about.

For me there is no harm in the banter, just remember if you cant do the time don't do the crime, expect the penalties and make sure you pick your teddy up after its been thrown! and also remember whilst that is my personal view on such things, at bigger events such as Millenniums don't expect anything less than strict draconian reffing and you wont end up costing your team points or getting your self banned, remember all refs are not the same person, what might make one a bit mad and look to shake your hand later might make the next pull a red card and send you packing for the rest of the event.

Al Woods

GFH Trouble Maker
Jul 7, 2001
Your 30
Nothing wrong with a rugby tackle ;)

I suppose there are all kinds of versions of this and I do agree with the refs viewpoint that if you're an absolute ******* nightmare then you deserve the smack down.

As a player I think I'm quite aggressive but not in the ******* way. I won't intentionally play on as a full blown cheapin wipin bas kid, but if I go on a run I'll have in mind to take at least two, with full realistic intention to. If I don't think I can, I won't. If I'm in mid run and either can't stop or am getting carried away I fully expect a full grab session from the refs. This to me is all part of it. As you said, adrenaline takes things out of hand or to a point where the brain is lost so a good ref will jump right in and stop it. Arguments should never really happen between players on the field as the refs should make the calls.

Arguments tend to stem from either players making bad decisions, refs not making any decisions or just plain idiots doing either job.

I did two guys at CPPS 7 man and they kicked off. I walked off as I did my job. Reason it kicked off was I put a run in, ripped the back guy in the pack, did his mate closest then as the back guy came out and started ripping me I ripped him again whilst still running at him. Now the back guy clearly didn't feel the pack hits which is normal but two refs watching the whole move could have told him straight, they didn't, I walked and the team carried on complaining for a good hour. Refs should have set him straight and the team wouldn't have spent ages being bitter.

Think that little after care to explain stuff is a great help an I know a good bunch of the refs do that. Same from players, a tap on the ass ad a thanks refs after each game isn't hard but pretty sure it helps.
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Tony Harrison

What is your beef with the Mac?
Mar 13, 2007
How about Al & Chris ref the first leg of the CPPS 2013 season in April?

I've volunteered to ref it if I'm needed, otherwise I'll be playing. On.