Seeing as were all getting a philisophical in this area of the forum i'd like to bring this to the table ladies and gents....
The question that has remained unanswered over thousands of years, dazzled the greatest minds in History...including Bill Oddie!!
Yes, of course im talking about
In a straight fight who's gonna win, the Domesticated Mongolian Yak or the Northwestern Sasquatch!!?
Bear in mind Yak's can see in the dark, have opposable thumbs and have machine guns that fold out from under their coat!!
Meanwhile the Sasquatch has a posse of 15 year old chavs with acne, likes Thai food and is international chess champion 2007!!
I know theres only one way to really decide the winner and thats to get em both outside the local kebab shop and let em duke it out. But unfortunately Bill, our tame Northwestern Sasquatch is hanging out with his homies at his local One Stop.
Im interested to hear your views on this mightily important subject, Over to you.
The question that has remained unanswered over thousands of years, dazzled the greatest minds in History...including Bill Oddie!!
Yes, of course im talking about
In a straight fight who's gonna win, the Domesticated Mongolian Yak or the Northwestern Sasquatch!!?
Bear in mind Yak's can see in the dark, have opposable thumbs and have machine guns that fold out from under their coat!!
Meanwhile the Sasquatch has a posse of 15 year old chavs with acne, likes Thai food and is international chess champion 2007!!
I know theres only one way to really decide the winner and thats to get em both outside the local kebab shop and let em duke it out. But unfortunately Bill, our tame Northwestern Sasquatch is hanging out with his homies at his local One Stop.
Im interested to hear your views on this mightily important subject, Over to you.