That's a fantastic collection and if you decide to sell any of the guns do please drop me an email at or indeed get in touch if you need any more info as I have old mags with original reviews of most of the items you've listed
The Line Si Bushmaster was the first Nelson design pump to use a bore drop design and ruled the world of paintball for a period in the late 80's and even into the early 90's they were still seen in the hands of pros. The TASO (The Adventure Sports Outfitters) guns were knock-offs of other designs but good enough to stand in their own right and I see you have one of their rare foregrip pumps in the spares box. The Lapco guns are excellent performers and still worth good money in the States and the other Nelson style guns are fairly common but in good order so could be sold to UK pumpers. The Kodiak might pick up a few extra dollars as they were a rarer design, and the Sheridans again might be worth a buck or two as nice examples are getting harder to find.
The big money item is definitely the 6-Pak though, certainly worth a goodly sum in such amazing condition but again the US is where the big money lies.