Its funny,
You go through a bit of trouble in life, and the whole world turns against you.
I will not disclose some of the more personal matters, but one of them was a loss of a job which meant working double time in another.
Tincs, were you not offered a full refund every step of the way?
Anyway I have never run with the money, I have issued refunds, compensation, and given out freebies, my personal matters did get in the way and I believe you have about 6 apologies from me.
Call me a scumbag if you wish, but I have done my best and you have got to admit the gear was in tip top condition.
I do wish to talk to the mod that will be in charge of all of this, if it comes down to a lashing as there is an amicable excuse for all of this, if anyone cares to hear it, but thanks for all the nursery jokes about my name, as if after 19 years I havnt heard enough.