Great Day
Despite the fact that it was rainy on Sunday, had a great day at Southampton. Nice to put some names to faces, such as Finghard and Bomb72.
First time for me for two months due to the birth of my son, and to be honest I felt rusty and I think my play reflected that.

Thanks to Bomb72 for the one-on-ones at the end which I think shook out the cobwebs.
Best moment of the day. Creeping up behind fingy and firing a string to find the first shot hit the mark and then next 5 or 6 progressivelyy dropped shorter as I had not switched my ASA on properly. First shot hit so phew!!
Funniest moment. One-on-one with Bomb72, bunkered hopped forward one un-noticed to step out and fire a string of paint at him from the side and every one missing. Then shouting 'I am so sh!t' repeatedly at myself whilst everyone was laughing and then getting raped by a hail of paint.
All in all I think I did well on 3 hours interupted sleep.
Thanks to Custard for organising and thanks to Bomb for the loan of the wet weather barrel. All in all a great day's balling.