The whole, don't play at normal paintball fields with your big series seems to have ended this year.
The first event is at Fivestar's field in Gandia, Spain. 3rd is at CPPS.
I'm happy with this change, although would have been happier with the Spain event being in Portugal, as Gandia is a pain to get to. Otherwise love the CPPS site, it's amazing, 30 minutes from a massive airport, and looking forward to seeing my UK friends and NXL friends in one spot.
Guessing Paris is the Chantilly backup plan. Maybe Amsterdam doesn't get finalized for awhile, and they keep Chantilly in their back pocket in case it falls through. Which makes sense to be fair.
Prague earlier in the year when it isn't as hot? Super happy with that
All in all, it's a very compressed time schedule. April-August. Looking forward to it though.