For Barcelona, well Salou, which I actually thought was nice with good weather and cheap food. Leaving Spain is where the issue came in. Getting there, super simple, grab kit bag and go.
Leaving? Ugh. Barcelona airport has 2 terminals, depending which terminal you left from, meant different rules, as the Spanish police had no clue what they were doing.
I left from Terminal 1, others from Terminal 2.
Terminal 2 had people seal their kit bags with special orange tape, and hand deliver them to the plane, not check them.
They had people seal just their gun cases and check them.
Some police charged a special 'fee' of like 100 euros.
Terminal 1 had people seal the gun cases, but pull the gun cases and put them in separate baggage...not with normal kit bags.
They told me to do that...I ignored them and it was fine.
BA didn't let me fly on my flight, because only BA has a rule that says anything called a 'firearm' you must notify them 72 hours before your flight to inform them. Not for any reason other than they want to know.
So I had to rebook on Germanwings, re-route through Stuttgart and then to London. Which went fine, other than needing to spend 300 euro for the flight. Which was not awesome.
In general Spain was nice, but that was a nightmare.
For the 4 pod thing, the overwhelming opinions from european captains and everyone Tom and Rab talked to was, leave limited paint in some form.
I talked to Tom for 15-20 minutes, and Rab for about 10. He was running around. Tom didn't know but honestly listened when I told him that there are far fewer people in Europe who can afford to play paintball than the US. The economies have recovered, but not as well as the states. So unlimited paint would push out a lot of teams. 4 pods seems to be a pretty good balance. That doubles basically the paint sales so GI is happy, but won't cause too many teams to pack it in, which makes Tom happy.
I'd be fine with Madrid, better flight options than Majorca

I also liked the south of France, need a better venue, but the weather was nice (except last year where it chucked down rain). Maybe it'll be Milan and we can have tasty pasta after playing. That would be awesome.
Tom also said he wanted to look at 'cool' venues. like Prague/Amsterdam.
The venues and dates will be released soon (10 days, couple weeks) something like that