@Dave284, maybe you can guest with the Ducks

I have no idea what Dorito 2 in Danish is though. **** could be Schnitzel 2! Schnitzel 2!
The commute is a bit long for me there, mate! Entity lost 3 of their starting 5 from last year...
Liam went back to Scotland because, and I quote, he was "missing all the juicy knife crimes"
Luke moved over to New Zealand because he wanted to go to Mordor
and I've moved over to Australia, because Gingers and sun go famously together.
We were never a smart bunch of guys... But in all seriousness. best of luck to my boys, it won't be long before the new guys find their feet and make it back up to Elite. If/when I come home, Entity will be the first door I knock at. I don't know anyone else stupid enough to put up with my ****.