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Nuclear power, yey or ney?


Platinum Member
Feb 27, 2011
i did an apprenticeship with national grid and worked at sellafield nuclear site for 8 months, the equipment, regulations and safety measures are so stringent... it all comes down to the risk reward ratio :) the highest risk in the uk to nuclear power is terrorism not reactor failure. Thats why there is a special branch of the police in the uk dedicated to nuclear protection. To my knowledge this is the only force where ALL officers are firearm proficent and dont need warrents to search :)

Canon Fodder

Go to your brother, kill him with your gun.
Oct 28, 2008
no ones considered the danger of wind farms stopping the wind, the same wind that drives global weather, then theres the danger of tidal power pulling the moon down to earth....

(PS I'm not really this stupid)


eating brick!
Sep 18, 2005
worcester UK
i did an apprenticeship with national grid and worked at sellafield nuclear site for 8 months, the equipment, regulations and safety measures are so stringent... it all comes down to the risk reward ratio :) the highest risk in the uk to nuclear power is terrorism not reactor failure. Thats why there is a special branch of the police in the uk dedicated to nuclear protection. To my knowledge this is the only force where ALL officers are firearm proficent and dont need warrents to search :)
I believe they are also trained quite extensively by the boys with cardboard strips over their eyes ;)

regarding alternate energy, there was arecently a big hoohah in worcester over plans to build an incinerator to burn local waste, the by product of which would then be used to power local homes etc. I did hear there was also plans to use the incinerators from the crematoriam as well.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
i'm sure ive heard that there is now the technology to catch the emissions from burning coal and prevent those emissions going into the o zone and then be safely disposed of ?

why not get that industry going and create jobs we sure as hell need some industry in the uk
I work in operations kingsnorth power station. We were going to be the ones that prove this theory on an industrial scale. However the new government came to power and cut funding to the project. As the industry is now privatised they rightly decided to invest the money they had in other countries where they can get a bigger return on their investment.
Here's an interesting fact for you all: by 2020 this country is currently in line to lose 50% of it's generating capacity over 15 gigawatts. That's a chuffing lot to lose! It take between 3 and 8 years to build a new station dependent on what it is. We are not building atall on any sort of scale one here and there that is all small plant.
We need nuclear simple fact. To replace this capacity with renewables the only viable option is wind and to do that you are talking thousands of turbines. BUT..... what happens when it's not windy or they breakdown? Which they do ALOT! so you need reserve capacity anotherwords you now have to build both.
The problem with Nukes is they are not very switchable they are designed to run none stop. So we need them as the core with other means for more switchable energy. Ie/ coal, oil, gas. We have way to much gas plant and the countries that supply it already hold us to ransom with it.
Everyone is ****ting emselves about building coal and oil because of the green issues. What does this mean for the end consumer?....
Easy come 2015 - 2020 expect lots of powercuts and expect you bills for electricity and gas to go through the roof. It would not surprise me to see them double. Everyone in the industry is wondering what the fek the government are doing because they haven't a clue.
This is why they are pushing everyone to save energy because they know long term.... We haven't got enough.


Jan 26, 2009
I work in operations kingsnorth power station. We were going to be the ones that prove this theory on an industrial scale. However the new government came to power and cut funding to the project. As the industry is now privatised they rightly decided to invest the money they had in other countries where they can get a bigger return on their investment.
Here's an interesting fact for you all: by 2020 this country is currently in line to lose 50% of it's generating capacity over 15 gigawatts. That's a chuffing lot to lose! It take between 3 and 8 years to build a new station dependent on what it is. We are not building atall on any sort of scale one here and there that is all small plant.
We need nuclear simple fact. To replace this capacity with renewables the only viable option is wind and to do that you are talking thousands of turbines. BUT..... what happens when it's not windy or they breakdown? Which they do ALOT! so you need reserve capacity anotherwords you now have to build both.
The problem with Nukes is they are not very switchable they are designed to run none stop. So we need them as the core with other means for more switchable energy. Ie/ coal, oil, gas. We have way to much gas plant and the countries that supply it already hold us to ransom with it.
Everyone is ****ting emselves about building coal and oil because of the green issues. What does this mean for the end consumer?....
Easy come 2015 - 2020 expect lots of powercuts and expect you bills for electricity and gas to go through the roof. It would not surprise me to see them double. Everyone in the industry is wondering what the fek the government are doing because they haven't a clue.
This is why they are pushing everyone to save energy because they know long term.... We haven't got enough.

oh well looks like were doooomed, can't see the government solving this issue all they are interested in is selling all the ultility services to oversea's business's which bleed us uk residents dry and make huge profits whilst the ship is slowly sinking, anyone seen a life jacket:eek: :)


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
Could you really trust anyone in the U.K. to run a nuclear program? British industry was destroyed by polarised political thinking with Militant Trade Unions on one side and short-sighted right wing political policies on the other. There is an inability to gain the middle ground or consensus, so all we (as a nation) will ever do is dick around the edges or implement infrastructure poorly. Personally, I'd rather not have a fast breeder reactor on my doorstep managed by a bunch of strike prone militants and built by the lowest bidder - Halliburton. Although on the plus side, I'd have no need for a microwave; ever.

Anyway, we exported all the good Nuclear scientists ages ago. These were unfortunately eaten by Kim-Jong-il's piranhas or Mahmoud Ahmadinedjah's ferrets in a mountain lair in 2002.

The Manchester Firm

Our Life Is Different.
Apr 29, 2010
Well Nuclear power is a total waste of time, money, effort and resource if you ask me.

I mean, all that hard work developing it/letting it go wrong and the world has not even seen one real life super hero yet :(
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