im not saying i know what would happen or the ammount of damage a bottle can cause during explosion but ive herd its the equilvent to a standerd hand greande so in that case how would you clean up with no arms and its fine you signing a wavier for your own safty but i dont thinks its fair on others if they get hurt in any wayThat's totally knarly. Way not cool.
What if I sign a waver that states in the event that my bottle should happen to blow up during use I'll stay late and clean up any mess it may have caused?![]()
I like to take risks![]()
I was joking, of not saying i know what would happen or the ammount of damage a bottle can cause during explosion but ive herd its the equilvent to a standerd hand greande so in that case how would you clean up with no arms and its fine you signing a wavier for your own safty but i dont thinks its fair on others if they get hurt in any way
but then agin this whole stako bottle thing could be a whole hubba baloooo