We have been unable to man our phones today and probably the same tomorrow as I am short staffed and have work to do outdoors. If it is desperate, call my mobile 07876 523 529.
Can I remind all teams planning on attending that they must be registered on our www.nspl.co.uk web site? You can also book in using that web site via our secure server and only the event deposit is charged to the card details that you provide.
Sorry for any incovenience this causes - it doesn't happen often and we will be back to normal come Wednesday.
Division four is now over-subscribed once again. However, to accommodate for the high demand, we are still confirming teams for this division provided the other divisions do not fill up and the cap of 44 teams is not exceeded.
All three 2Hott4u teams are now confirmed. Remember, the cut-off date for entries is April 15th and I will have to stick to that as we have the situation with an oversubscribed Div 4.
Right guys - you have just THIS WEEKEND left to get booked in! I am a bit busy at the moment, so if you want to book in, use the www.nspl.co.uk web site or call my mobile: 07876 523 529.
Team list at the top of this thread is up to date at the moment.