Teams So Far
There's still a few days to go before the cut-off for entry to the 3rd Round of the NSPL in Reading on the 16th April.
Teams expected at the event so far include...
Blitzkreig Weymouth
Portsmouth Halloween
Scorpions Blue
Scorpions Red
London Halloween
Alpha 1 HRF
Bridport Synapse
South West 2HOT4U
MH2 Llanfair PG
Cardiff XM7
Taunton Snatch A
Bournemouth Riptide
Wycombe APEs
Southsea Spartan
Redz Manic
Exeter Raven UK
Stealers Am
NA Angels Black
NA Angels Red
Bristol Recoil
Bristol Loco
Basingstoke Tsunami
Bath Jabberwocky
The Tendring League
East Coast Irritant
Demolition Squad Worthing
London Tigers Am
Bracknell 7
Southampton FX
Bristol Halloween ^
Maidenhead Trauma ^
Teams marked with a * have a rolling deposit in place, but have not yet confirmed.
Teams marked with a ^ have said they are attending, but need to get their deposits paid please.
So, 2 spots left at this time!
I keep saying this, but you guys really do NOT want to miss out on this event. Please get your place confirmed by either visiting or calling 01626 830732.
Gonna be a good one!