I have to agree with barong that PRIME played well but seemed to get some tuff calls against them all day which cost them games. They seemed to get a 1-4-1 in every game they played. But overall, they were an aggressive team who managed to get themselves a lot of attention as the day went on.
I think that the Tournament was an entertaining affair mostly down to the unpredictable weather and tuff reffing calls. The refs were mostly strict but fair overall. But watching some of the games it seemed a little unfair to pull a 1-4-1 on a noob player for a rookie mistake. The games were run smoothly and the field set ups were solid but there was only one field for division 3 and 4 which meant that each team played all 8 of their games on the same field which led to same old break outs and game plans. Most teams wanted to play from the left side of the field because they wanted to play on their right hands and couldn’t or wouldn’t use their left hands to shoot.
The venue was nice with the usual burger van and helpful paintball vendor were on hand throughout the day and everyone seemed to get along well. All was good apart from the rain midday, which included a little thunder and lightning and made the playing surface and entrance staging area pretty slippery. It was good events so I may come down to watch the next event.
Prime did play well, I understand they've had a fair bit of coaching from a UK paintball legend and it showed. The feedback I heard from them on the 1-4-1s was that not that they were unfair, and the 2-4-1 should arguably have been a 3-4-1 and the player making the infraction was far from a noob and blatantly cheated in front of the refs. 1-4-1 calls are often a surprise to newer teams and players, on the whole I thought the reffing calls were very good and fair throughout the day.
I didn't see a lot of evidence of teams preferring the left end, surely whatever end you break out from players should shooting left-handed

We actually prefered the right end, unless the sun was out and shining in our eyes as it was before the rain. Other teams obviously had the same preference as we lost the toss a couple of times.
Considering the weather throughout last year and the pasting Reading got as a result, especially after the 2-day 'Heaven's Gate' event (Breaking news from Syd over the weekend was that for 2009 HG will return to a more popular venue) the fields were in great condition, kudos to the farmer .
Tbh if he was really a noob player he should have been playing in the KOTH the day before, or his team members should have ensured he was trained fully. A 1-4-1 offence regardless of whether its an "oops I didn't mean to do that Ref" is still a 1-4-1 offence. The NSPL ref's are fair but firm and will give the benefit of the doubt where they think its appropriate and penalise when necessary.
That's just sheer laziness on their part. Anyone playing the NSPL divisions and not KOTH should at least be able to play with their off hand to a moderate degree even if its not as strong as their primary hand.
Prime played to a much higher standard than that seen in Saturday's Koth, had you actually been there to witness that you would have appreciated that.
all players should be able to shoot off handed, I will excuse some of the veteran players out there as its hard to break old habits and many of them are field aware enough to whup many a younger behind.
Had a good day yesterday guested for a two teams that were short and must say the the reffing was spot on not sure who it was on the Div2/3 field but fair play guys
Props to the Kiwi avenger for your guesting throughout the day, sorry we didn't play our best throughout the day, its been a slack off season and the rust has set in a bit, time for a liberal coating of WD40
Thanks also to Tommy and BV for stepping in on a couple of other games.
Oh and the refs on field 2 were Maidenhead Trauma, and a very good job they did, including the pat downs for tools pre-game, though you looked like you were enjoying that too much :mrgreen: