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NPPL..OC....live...and scores


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Actually, I ain't gonna defend Perez or attempt to create any back doors for him but there's some interesting research going on in this area.
It was found that witness statements (crime related) were sometimes completely contradictory and so some research was carried out whereby they tried to identify certain influences.

To cut a long story short, some people actually convince themselves they saw something when they did not and it is seemingly dependent upon their state of mind prior to the event and also related to things like bias , expectation and a few other factors.
Basically, if you put Perez on a lie detector, there is a chance it won't go blip when he gives his account.
This is not to say it happened that way, far from it, I am just suggesting he believes it to be true.

The main culpability in this one are possibly his predispositions that allowed his mind to warp the facts of the matter into something more amenable to him.

He is guilty yes, but maybe not of deliberate lying, maybe of deliberate bias.


Wizard, of sorts...
Feb 27, 2002
Nottingham, England
He knows what he's doing there Chi :)
Glad to see someone out there thinks so...

Anyway, if anyone has the 4th ESPN show downloaded have a look at what happens at about the 38:50 mark... BC manages to convince the refs there too.

An amazing player but I dunno, just left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth particularly in light of what happened in OC.


Monkey features
Dec 10, 2005
Visit site
Actually, I ain't gonna defend Perez or attempt to create any back doors for him but there's some interesting research going on in this area.
It was found that witness statements (crime related) were sometimes completely contradictory and so some research was carried out whereby they tried to identify certain influences.

To cut a long story short, some people actually convince themselves they saw something when they did not and it is seemingly dependent upon their state of mind prior to the event and also related to things like bias , expectation and a few other factors.
Basically, if you put Perez on a lie detector, there is a chance it won't go blip when he gives his account.
This is not to say it happened that way, far from it, I am just suggesting he believes it to be true.

The main culpability in this one are possibly his predispositions that allowed his mind to warp the facts of the matter into something more amenable to him.

He is guilty yes, but maybe not of deliberate lying, maybe of deliberate bias.
lie detectors are only something like 70% ?? accurate hence they cant be used in court :/ if they were 100% then there wouldnt be any need for witnesses or anything... "did you shoot this man?" "no" *beep* GUILTY ^_^