biggest bit of advice is cut toe nails... two days of walking about can be really swore if nails dig in! other than that baby wipes and lots of water! as for how much paint and equipment everyone is different buddy
Air is being supplyed by H-PAC ... filling to 4500 psi ... so refills depend on size of bottle and that ichy trigger finger !!!!! make sure you take a load of baby wipes.. to clean your kit and yourself .. toilet roll .... some beer ...... and lots of money to get the bargins off the traders !!! and most of all a smile !!!!
Im so looking forward to the miss paintfest comp again this year! it was a right laugh last year lost my voice come the sunday. anyone remember what frisbee that was been thrown about at the players party lol so funny.
LOL so funny, we had a right laugh, i remember not being able to fully relax at the beggining of the party just incase the frisbee or ball was about to face plant me hehe.
i remember putting my hand in the air just because i could and sumhow managed to catch it and the whole place went nuts lol everyone was like yhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh XP