Is was announced this morning that Driver Wood in Copthorne, Surrey would cancel it’s walkon calendar with immediate effect. The timing of this announcement couldn‘t have been more significant - at the exact time of the posting of the news they should have been about halfway through the second of third game of their first walkon of the year. I suspect that they had in-fact had to cancel the day due to lack of attendance; a sharp contrast to the turnouts they have had for Airsoft games of late.
I liked Driver Wood. It was an interesting alternative to its local competitors and Gareth was genuinely committed to ensuring that his customers had a great day and the best facilities around. Every month brought new Facebook announcements of what innovations were taking place at the site and whilst some of it may have raised an eyebrow or two, they were no doubt attractive to the site’s primary customers - punters. I’m saddened that I won’t be able to enjoy that site any longer and that there are now even fewer options for a Walkon in this area.
So the burning question is whether Walkons are sustainable in the current climate of Airsoft growth, Team growth and stagnant wages. Whilst they may be a pleasant folly for the site owner that is an industry veteran, they’re probably not that profitable and, in-time, may even become something of an unwieldy fifth wheel, taking away focus from the punters.
In my fourteen years of playing I’ve seen Dragon’s Lair, NRG, Mayhem SE, Go Paintball, Holmbush and now DW all cease their Walkons or paintball altogether. All of these sites were within a one hour radius of where I live and so were on a casual roster of where I would visit for a monthly game. Many closures have been in the last few years and in tandem I have seen a steady decline of familiar faces either retire due to cost / family / burn-out or move into organised teams with a focus on big games and tournaments.
Little can be done about wages and the lure of ’real guns’ (airsoft) to unknowing punters but my observation is that it now appears to be less common to see teams or team members at Walkons than it used to be. Is the rapid growth of teams and associated recruitment potentially starving custom from the Walkons that they would traditionally recruit from? Is this a threat to the Walkon’s existence and in turn their own future recruitment opportunities?
I liked Driver Wood. It was an interesting alternative to its local competitors and Gareth was genuinely committed to ensuring that his customers had a great day and the best facilities around. Every month brought new Facebook announcements of what innovations were taking place at the site and whilst some of it may have raised an eyebrow or two, they were no doubt attractive to the site’s primary customers - punters. I’m saddened that I won’t be able to enjoy that site any longer and that there are now even fewer options for a Walkon in this area.
So the burning question is whether Walkons are sustainable in the current climate of Airsoft growth, Team growth and stagnant wages. Whilst they may be a pleasant folly for the site owner that is an industry veteran, they’re probably not that profitable and, in-time, may even become something of an unwieldy fifth wheel, taking away focus from the punters.
In my fourteen years of playing I’ve seen Dragon’s Lair, NRG, Mayhem SE, Go Paintball, Holmbush and now DW all cease their Walkons or paintball altogether. All of these sites were within a one hour radius of where I live and so were on a casual roster of where I would visit for a monthly game. Many closures have been in the last few years and in tandem I have seen a steady decline of familiar faces either retire due to cost / family / burn-out or move into organised teams with a focus on big games and tournaments.
Little can be done about wages and the lure of ’real guns’ (airsoft) to unknowing punters but my observation is that it now appears to be less common to see teams or team members at Walkons than it used to be. Is the rapid growth of teams and associated recruitment potentially starving custom from the Walkons that they would traditionally recruit from? Is this a threat to the Walkon’s existence and in turn their own future recruitment opportunities?