To everybody that played on sunday, thank you for your comments. You guys ( and girls ) were some of the nicest players i have met, every body was up for a laff, everbody walked when shot, and only heard 2 'check him marshal' calls all day, at my age it saves my legs....
It was nice to see everybody having fun ( which is what paintball is all about ) rather than moaning about, the fields, the marshals, the paint, the weather, the other players and anything else they can think about.
I am thinking of a possible big game over xmas / new year
If any body intrested let me know numbers and i will sort out a date.
laters all
ps, the guys from down south, hope your journey was,nt to long on the way back. let me know next time I can get some deals on hotels etc, women r extra, but i know a man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On behalf of Maggot and I thank you once again for all your comments and c ya soon..