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Nothing to Loose, Nothing to Gain


VW's are the game
Ok check this out...

Most of the moderators here on P8ntballer have nothing to loose and nothing to gain. I for one think it is funny when people choose to take shots at Moderators! I have not been a personal target for someone elses fun. But I honestly don't think I would go as far as banning someone for speaking their peace. :D

Basically what I really wanted to say is no matter how much you hate a MODs you have to remember they have nothing to loose or gain by being a MOD. As a matter of fact we (well most of us) do it for free and have NO connections what so ever to PGI. Take it easy on me cause I can see what's coming next!:D

Peace and See you on the field!:p


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Rooster I don't think anyone hates the mods in the slightest. I certainly don't.

I just think people are posting because they care about paintball and their part in it and can't understand what is happening in many cases.

People that care, will be vocal and say their piece when they feel unjust actions are being taken. Wether that is against a dictatorship or in a democracy. It's just human nature and saying 'we know what we are doing' and 'we have our reasons that we can't tell you' rarely cuts it I'm afraid.

It's because people care that they are so strongly voicing their feelings.


p.s. I would be happy to pay some of the mods what I think they are worth... but heck I don't want to take your money :)

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Manike, I partially agree with you.
Some people react strongly because they have paintball at heart. At that point who's right and who's wrong is not relevant. These people care, and then we're willing to talk with each other.
There are however a number of people who only have themselves at heart. They think this site is their playground, and when they're told it ain't so, they throw their toys out of the pram.
Luckily most people are not like that, but the ones that are can be quite a wind up sometimes...


Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2001
Griffin, GA, USA
Originally posted by RePete

Ah. But that's where you're wrong. I hear the top Pro moderators do get paid! And they get paint sponsorship, gear sponsorship and they never pay for anything themselves...:D
The only people that get paid for this, are the mods that actually work for PGI. I know I haven't seen a dime, but I ain't complaining.;)