Bit of an odd question but for those who have been before, what kind of atmosphere can you expect in the camps? Are we talking caravan site or music festival?
In my experience ( 4 bgs to date) the atmosphere has always been the same. AWESOME!!. It is most definatly a party/music festival vibe for the whole weekend all around the site. The only difference is that the vast majority of the party goers are ballers

You can expect to see (and smell) plenty of bbqs on the go, free flow booze with music coming from the many 'mini communities' going on around the camping zone. The ringing of dry firing every now and then and an all round pleasant atmosphere.
from what I've heard you get:
• the odd middle aged gun nerd obsessed with camouflage
• drunken 20 year olds
• paintballers
It should be a good atmosphere
Theres PLENTY of 'nerds' obsessed with camouflage, thats for sure

buy hey....thats half the fun of BG, watching how 'tooled' up some of these guys like to go.
As for drunken 20 year olds.....Arses to that...theres more drunken/merry 25-50 year olds than there is of the 'young uns' :thumb:
Paintballers- Its a chuffin paintball festival FFS
Put it this way...come back on here after going to big game and I will be uber shocked if you have anything less than amazing things to say about BG. Its not so much about the game itself for me....more the social side with the chance to chuck in a bit of ball along the way. More festival than paintball event IMHO