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North v South 2k11 The Heist


May 27, 2010
Enjoyed the weekend, was great fun as always!
The end of day battle was a bit underwhelming compared to previous years, no north players to be seen! did keep ourselves ocupied with a few airbow vs pump duels tho!


Enjoyed the weekend, was great fun as always!
The end of day battle was a bit underwhelming compared to previous years, no north players to be seen! did keep ourselves ocupied with a few airbow vs pump duels tho!
and sorting those cocker bits i hope ;)

Random Invert

Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2008
N.Wales - Wrexham
I have no idea who won, I do know that us northern boys did seem to be heavily out numbered in nearly every section I was playing in today but it was all good fun.

Bring on next year already!!

ChEf if me and EELz had made it mate you would have had some company :D

North won, somthing like 1000 more kills?
Nice to hear we got the title back :first:

First NvS I've missed in four years, glad everyone had a good time, hopefully see you there next year.


Apr 4, 2011
i would like to add to that that the south never took items from a building they were locked in. thats bs.
if that is true then why did we hear it all over the field? why did one of the south groups come to the North HQ and say "Do you want us to tell you where we have hidden the items?"

but then again i supose that you was at EVERY buliding with every item in all at once???

then again i dont reckon u was :rolleyes:

end of day NORTH won and thats all that matters :first:


Active Member
Nov 3, 2008
there was no rules about hiding items but none were ever taken from a locked building. I think thats a bit of unfair moving of the goal posts if there was penalties for this. however it was the best big game ive been to so far.

controlling a huge army of 150 or so players was great fun :D


New Member
Mar 2, 2011
Chard, Somerset
What a fantastic weekend, good on the North they did well considering the battering we were giving them. Turned out having the hospitals just made us die more easily!


May 23, 2010
it was a great weekend congrats to the north maybe next year south, i had a blast playing pump untill a few south players started wipeing. and a huge thanks to taz for being a great genral as well as a huge thanks to warped for putting on nvs
my only issue was lack of a safe place to store my gear as i had the following stolen, 1 case of paint(from next to my gear box) and my 8.1 + threaded barrel and 1 mag(from in my gear bag half way down) so if any one sees said 8.1 (i have pics but they are poor quality and from when the pistol had not been used) please tell me as when a christmas pressent gets nicked by some ****er its annoying to say the least and i may well not go next year unless i can find a locker/ get somebody to stay with my gear


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Regardless of the trivia people seem to be being bent all outa shape over .. from what I saw, people were all walking around with smiles on their faces between playing .... and of course this is in sharp contrast to what we witness at Millenniums .. and this is because the mindset is totally different.

Nobody really cares about the result at this kinda event and so [with a very few exceptions] people have a great time regardless of winning or losing .. but at tournaments such as the MS, if you don't win, you end up bitching, moaning and blaming .... hardly the recipe for a great day out.

I think us tourney guys could learn an awful lot from this but maybe it's just there's a different type paintball animal who plays tourneys as against big games like this ...
It can be distilled this way I think .... big game guys go to enjoy themselves .. tourney guys go to compete .... the former allows a platform where everybody can satisfy the need to enjoy but the latter only allows a select few ....after all, what competitor enjoys losing?

Well done to everybody concerned yesterday especially to Jim and Tim for putting it all on .. they've created a UK industry standard in big games .... so much so that there is now only one big game and it's the Warped one it seems ...
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Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
The South took control of all of the items, and only put two into play, hiding four of them (which was allowed). This meant that only two could be captured, so they cold only lose the points for two. Also, two items would be easier to defend, especially coupled with the fact that they were held next to respawn points. No "locked in" items were removed from buildings at any time. The South were able to capture all of the jewels at the start of the game thanks to actually being, ya know, organised.

The downfall with the plan was that the respawn points ended up being used to heavily, costing them elimination points. The North won, but the South were the better team.

Your umbrella weilding ref, Cook$.


Mar 2, 2010
Mayhem paintball , abridge
i cannot believe it !

i had a fantastic time playing yesterday big thanks to everyone involved it was brillent !!
although i find it impossibly hard to believe the north came out on top, the south were all over the north constenty, and i didnt see the north push the south back once ! by 2.30 quite a few of us southerners decided to call it a day as we were strugging to find anyone at all to shoot
Great day all round will be back next year