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North v South 2012

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Active Member
Sep 19, 2003
A UK paintball (events) company have stated that they wish to damage/destroy North V South. - This is an entirely unilateral decision made by them. They claim this is in retaliation to a remark or remarks which were allegedly made towards their "leader", however as we are not the only ones who have had these kind of problems we assume that is an excuse/smokescreen.

They are attempting to damage the event by clearly trying to seduce players to a cheaper copy of North V South one week before.

This is a direct attempt to undermine the UKs most successful and biggest annual event for the scenario, recreational and club level paintball communities. For many years the Big Game has grown to become a hub for players of all abilities and levels of commitment to get together for quite simply the most immense weekend of paintballing, and the biggest and best opportunity for the paintball industry to showcase their products and services direct to the player.

I am saddened and dissapointed to read and hear all the stuff which has being going on. In particular the revelation of the vendetta against us, and the accusation thats other peoples (players and industry) grievances encountered in dealing with the company in question were somehow instigated/fanned by us !

Let us just be clear - this company made a unilateral decision to put the North V South event firmly in their sights! - The same mind which decided that an alleged unwelcome remark should begin a clearly malicious vendetta, has now decided that We are in fact the ones conspiring against them ! go figure that one ! Time will tell just how many others have been on the receiving end of this kind of thinking, there certainly seems to be quite a few issues ongoing, and Im sure more to come out of the woodwork.

In the meantime we here at Warped would like to clarify a couple of points really simply..

1. Warped/NorthVSouth have NOT started a "war" with anyone - we have however responded to and refuted allegations made against us of conspiring to cause trouble ! If you dont like us defending ourselves - dont attack us or make paranoid accusations !

2. Battle of Britain (flatcaps v toffs) is NOT the North V South Big Game ! Tell your friends please, especially those who you know only play occasionally, we dont want ANY confusion with people buying tickets for the wrong event. Having the date so close, and having Flatcaps V Toffs theme are, we believe, designed to create and benefit from such confusion (YOU decide on that one ! ). North V South looks like it will once again be the BIGGEST event in the UK this year BY FAR, it has THE Biggest Trade Expo, 3 days incredible play on a huge active army training camp, North V South VIGILANTE BIG GAME with 1400+ players ! (last year was 1280) INVASION UK Scenario Game with 300-400 players, and a host of other combat gaming activities. 2 nights ENTERTAINMENT with 2 stages, several bands and acts, and ample bar throughout the weekend - and of course the very special Warped Girls ;). It is the most awesome vibe in arguably the best location for such an event anywhere in the UK. These are not empty promises, these are facts based on many years of developing the event and listening to tens of thousands of attendees - do not be seduced by cheap imitations!

To our loyal customers, friends and industry colleagues please get ready for another immense North V South Festival weekend. The weekend is already well booked up, and we are still working tirelessly to add even more to whats on offer - watch out for more exciting announcements in the next couple of weeks. ;)

We plan to ignore this attack on us from here on in and get on with what we do best - putting on the BEST event we can !

4th - 6th MAY 2012 are the dates you want :)

DTE (Defence Training Estate) Swynnerton, Staffs ST15 0QN is the place to be :)

There is only one North V South !!! ....





Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
The Urban Paintball UK owners will be attending\playing this event.

If you would like to meet us guys\gals we will be walking round wearing our Urban Paintball UK tshirts. Please come and say hello and ask any questions you like about our event.​
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Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Just an addendum to the post made above by Jim Frensham, Jim is 100% correct in stating the date of barnett's event the week before the Warped Big Game is as a direct result of comments that were allegedly made the year before last .... apparently barnett stewed on this until he could exact revenge and this was his first opportunity to do so ... this was confirmed to me today by one of the most, if not the most respected voice in UK paintball .... barnett admitted as much during a conversation last week.
Now, it is barnett's way of doing things to deny first and then lie which he has done on that other thread with myself, but if he tries that approach now, he will then be accusing a certain person of being a liar who is 100% honest, 100%trustworthy and 100% respected ... it will prove interesting to see what he does now .....
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king ding a ling
Apr 8, 2007
cambridge uk
nice to see you over here supporting THE BIG GAME titchgamer, just remember guys not Finmere make sure you book Swynnerton and if your searching for the big game site type in warped first!!!!!!
Mar 26, 2011
The UK Mercs will be at NvS in full strength this year. We are looking forward to our showcase game on the Saturday in Invasion UK, anyone wishing to come join a most chilled out, relaxed and fun loving team for the weekend please get in touch. We have training sessions throughout the year and play many great games around the country during the season.

Saturday, old rivalries between North and South will be put to one side as we all unite under the UK banner to face the invaders from shores afar!!

It will surely be an epic saturday night party again with a huge range and host of events.

Then sunday, oh yes!! Normal hostilities will resume!!

Long live the North!!! :)
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Super Robeenio
Dec 4, 2002
Staying warm on a sunday!
So.... who do you think is going to win?

it was VERY close last year with the NORTH winning by kills after some very seaky and tactical play by the south! I think it's anyone's game!


Paint Magnet
Jul 2, 2011
nice to see you over here supporting THE BIG GAME titchgamer, just remember guys not Finmere make sure you book Swynnerton and if your searching for the big game site type in warped first!!!!!!

Ime never far away mate ;)

The UK Mercs will be at NvS in full strength this year. We are looking forward to our showcase game on the Saturday in Invasion UK, anyone wishing to come join a most chilled out, relaxed and fun loving team for the weekend please get in touch. We have training sessions throughout the year and play many great games around the country during the season.

Saturday, old rivalries between North and South will be put to one side as we all unite under the UK banner to face the invaders from shores afar!!

It will surely be an epic saturday night party again with a huge range and host of events.

Then sunday, oh yes!! Normal hostilities will resume!!

Long live the North!!! :)
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