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Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Now before all the wolves start howling, I thought I had better pre-empt them by giving my opinion on what happened.
Firstly, none of us, especially me, said we were gonna do anything this year apart from learn, that is our goal, pure and simple.
But that in itself is not reason to justify a performance like we put on, now to get an idea of how we played on that first day, imagine a bunch of players, bad players, I mean really bad players all having a bad day...we were worse...a lot worse.
Teams beat us that normally wouldn't get a look in.
Now I have two options as a coach, to think that my team may well not be up to it, or alternatively, I might think that something is going on that is not indicative of their normal game.
Well, if we needed any reminding of just how good we can play, a win against the Ton Tons did the job.
The Ton Tons were kicking ass all over the place and were eventual losing finalists to Dynasty, so to beat them as we did, was a timely reminder.

But how the hell could we play so bad and not only let ourselves down but also all those back home who were supporting us ?
The answer wasn’t easy to come by but it lay in the relative inexperience of high end paintball we have in the side.
Remember, we only have Junior, Ledz and Jack as pros, the rest were ams and novices.
Our fragility was not in our technical ability, although that went straight out the window, it was in our mindset when dealing with the American teams.
Once we sorted it, we got back to our normal game and started winning again but it was too late to save a place in the semis and way too late to save face.
I think I have mentioned on here before something Ledzy said when we started out on this venture together, he said, 'We have to learn to lose first, before we can learn to win', no truer words were spoken.
I don't think any of us realised that we could lose that badly and hopefully learn that much.
In fact I would have preferred to have lost a lot less and consequently learnt a lot less than what we ended up doing.
We know those losses do not in any way reflect the talent base we have in the team, if we thought that, we would all give it up in a heartbeat believe me.
No, we all know what went wrong and we thankfully put it right in the end but it was ooohh sooo long in coming.
We had originally decided to do HB and then go to Portugal but this result has galvanised the team into an almost instant dismissal of skulking back to the Millennium with our tails between our legs, we are going to play Vegas and put right what we did wrong and get some self-respect back.
We have no excuses, only ourselves to blame, me included, we will work like **** to put it right for ourselves and our sponsors, make no mistake about that.
I spoke to Steve Duffy (Duffitusta), PGI's group ed about all this and he told me that 'perhaps it was a good thing we lost like that, it wil harden you and teach you a lesson' he told me, he went on to say, 'there were so much hype about you guys that if you had gone over and done quite well, your guys might have started to believe in it all'.
Perhaps there is some truth in what he says but it don't make it any easier to swallow I can tell ya.
To all the people who supported us, I will promise you, we will work to put it right.

Walker (Nitro)

Who's Maria?
Jul 8, 2001
I doubt you will find anyone who will give beef for the performance this weekend, after all as you said this year is one for learning and all that kinda stuff.... You've got the players all you need now is to connect and BAMMM...you got yourself a dam fine team that will rip ass everywhere.

Hi Pete....

Welcome back, hope you didn't get to sunburned on the top of that carefully polished head of yours :)....

The only thing I would like to say to you and your boys is - who gives a damn what anyone thinks!!!

If y'all can look at yourselves in the mirror then that is the only thing that matters. Throughout the weeked there where numerous posts on how you guys where doing over there, and while there was some dissapointment - no one seemed to be ragging on you for your performance. You guys played in your first real tournament (let's not count the indoor before Xmas - it didn't have the oponents that where at the beach) and you didn't end up last!!

Even though the result weren't what you wanted, at least you where there - which is a hell of a lot more than what can be said for anyone who dares to bad mouth you.

Better luck (or skill) next time, and once you get some more playing time under you belt I'm sure things will be just fine.



The One and Only
Jul 9, 2002
Hey Pete, fair play for taking the boys, hey the result dont matter its all a learning curve, for christs sake's it's the teams first year and they are carrying the weight of a nation on their shoulders, The guys may have played under par but maybe it was more to do with the occasion and the pressure of all of us lot expecting a result.

Take it easy

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
First big tourney as a team, first tourney in the US, lots op firsts. Having been in similar situations (different sport though, but been there as a player and a coach) I can imagine that nerves were sprung so tight they could be used as piano wire. And no matter what the goals may have been, I bet that the attention of the people back home was always lurking in some abyssmal pit of the brain.
You guys had the balls to go over there and compete, which is more than most of us can say.


Tonight we dine in hell
Apr 17, 2002
Hey Pete,

Thanks for bringing the Nexus guys over. It really gave the tournament more of an international feel and it was nice to actually meet some of you in person.

So you didn't take first in your first pro tournament together? Big deal. The guys seemed to be in good spirits when I talked to them and they were getting it together towards the end, which bodes well for the future. Keep your heads up, keep working and bring it to Vegas.


Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam
Pete (and the boys)

I was there in Pittsburgh and I know the drive, determination and sheer bloody mindedness to suceed they had then, I can only imagine that's even greater now.

So what if this one didn't quite go to plan, I hope you can see the posters here were just writing in support - not judgement. The fact you are all being quite so honest about your failings this weekend is testament to the quality of individuals involved in the team. There will be no hiding behind egos or excuses with those guys, I'm sure there were some real serious discussions over your ribs each evening :)

I'll wish you guys the very best of luck for LA now then :)


New Member
Jan 23, 2003
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Originally posted by shamu
Hey Pete,

Thanks for bringing the Nexus guys over. It really gave the tournament more of an international feel

I second this notion! I got to watch you guys play TonTons on the WDP field, and distinctly recall thinking the same thing. How lucky was I to see overseas teams playing a half hour away from my house.

I think is was during this game too, which I noticed a pair of 80 some year old women stop by to watch and smile. I could overhear them exclaiming "this must be paintball".

Mark Toye-Nexus

Jul 18, 2001
Sarf London

Firstly it's been great to see so much support for the team - thanks to everyone.

Secondly - Robbos hit the nail on the head with the whys and wherefors etc. i knew you'd do it Robbo with a 12 hour flight to compose the thread!!

Thirdly - the team has been hardened by this experience - the acute embarrassment we felt as individuals is something that I NEVER want to feel again.

So we are going to do our damndest to make sure that it doesnt - we are going to train hard and prepare ourselves physically (and more importantly here - mentally) for the next challenge.

Not back to the drawing board - just gotta put the 'plans' already on it to full effect!!!!

Bring it on!!



Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Cumbaya !

Originally posted by Nick Iuel-Brockdorff
I'll join the band waggon here Pete, and say I didn't have any expectations either !
Seriously - spill the beans on the event - have we seen the first world class event in the US ?
What went right and what went wrong ?
Where does this put the PSP ?
Where does this put the NPPL ?
Hey Nick, as far as the event went, everything went right, nothing went wrong, it was a frikkin masterpiece and in Bob Long's words, this was 'The best tournament he has ever seen'
I think everybody including myself who were there would say the same thing.
It was unbelievable.
As for where it puts the PSP?
It ain't even in the same ball park.
The NPPL have in one fell swoop, put all the bull**** Jerry used to come out with as to why he couldn't run a better event, straight into the trash can.
The PSP will suffer of that I'm sure, it remains to be seen what happens over there as things have already started moving in some areas, it remains to be seen how successful these moves are.

As for where all this leaves the NPPL, they now hold all the aces believe me and the paintball landscape has irreversibly been changed for the betterment of our sport thanks to WDP and Chuck.
I hope this series gathers momentum as the year progresses and that some individuals see the writing on the wall and do what needs to be done.