"Christian, we cant have it both ways. Either we have the legs to tight or we gonna have a shorter off season. I would vote to have a shorter off season with more time between the events to be able to afford them all and practice between the events."
I think the way Nick spread it out in his proposal, looked great. Long enought off season and still time in between the legs.
- February: Joy Masters, Indoor in Stockholm
- April: Toulouse
- June: Maxs
- July: DMA
- August: Campaign
- October: Megacampeonato
I just think it's a big difference between starting the season in mid January instead the end of february.
"Christian, we cant have it both ways. Either we have the legs to tight or we gonna have a shorter off season. I would vote to have a shorter off season with more time between the events to be able to afford them all and practice between the events."
I think the way Nick spread it out in his proposal, looked great. Long enought off season and still time in between the legs.
- February: Joy Masters, Indoor in Stockholm
- April: Toulouse
- June: Maxs
- July: DMA
- August: Campaign
- October: Megacampeonato
I just think it's a big difference between starting the season in mid January instead the end of february.