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Newbie Needs Advice


Like a moth to the flame
Nov 2, 2006
yeh but hes starting out and with the credit crunch paintball is a very expensive sport but if you get all the best stuff at the beginner stage then he will save money whereas if he goes up in stages ,begginner,moderate,pro then he will overall spend a lot more money imo
Buy LAST years best stuff and safe yourself a lot of cash to play paintball;)


off season boring.
Aug 1, 2005
my advice, purley on the mistakes I made are try before you buy and dont rush. lots of people will tell you to buy such and such or this over that...what suits you best??

firstly, get talking to everyone, dont hide, be there and chat, ask questions,make friends

then personally. Id buy a cheap nasty mask first, this way you can do things like go to chrono areas and try guns etc etc

ask to try everything, worst people can say is no, the majority of paintballers are nice and pleaseant people and will for the most part let you try their gun over the chrono etc...as long as they are nearby, no one is gunna let you wander of with a grands worth of marker..so dont be suprised. also people are less likley to say no to you if they have seen you about before...see point 1

Watch listen and learn. which guns break down more, what masks look uncomfortable, what works, what are most people shooting and why?

after you have had the time to look at things, then buy some gear.

worst thing you can do is go into a shop spend 300quid blind come away. play a game and find out its awful

my two pence


retired from reality :-)
Nov 9, 2007
Haven't seen the JT full head masks mentioned, Is there something I should know about them?
jt full headshield in grey or camo...use them all the time...swear by them..get a fan added and no fogging problems at all..cover the chin and a good bit of the nape as well...( back of the neck) john


New Member
Oct 28, 2008
Eastham, Wirral
Thanks everyone, all input much appreciated,

Not really got a budget on what I wan't to spend just want an idea of what a full rig is gonna set me back, what you selling ShimmerShot?


Platinum Member
Apr 1, 2008
The gear I have at hand an am willing to part with are;
Racing green shocker NXT with Blackheart board, leaver locking feedneck and up'd trigger, spares and manual
Empire reloader hopper
1.1L fibre wraped air tank, with a grey rhino07 bottle cover
Hanger 18 battle pack
i3 pros (white) with a near enough new thermal lense
i3 green also with a thermal lense (cheaper then the i3 pros)
pots of all varieties, probs about 6 i think

Got an Ion XE stock back home and steele bottle(cheap) if you wouldn't mind waiting till like christmas :p