trust me, having been playing on the PSP Texas field setup with the new X's the last few practices, they are by no means "wicked".
The New X's virtually eliminate the old dorito/X side. Unless your 4 foot 3'', you wont be able to play them. On the Texas setup, if the other team gets a guy into even the first knuckle of that so called snake, he can lay paint behind every single X, including the back corner.
Speaking of the back corners, the new X's make it impossible to shoot down the tape at your mirror. The problem is that you only have like a small little lane to lay paint through, and by the time it gets to the other side of the field, the shot is dropping and hits a bottom on an x. If you aim higher to lob balls in your going to hit the "arm" of the x right in front of you. The only way to shoot tapeside is to get on the ground hunched over and literally put your forearms on the ground and shoot from there. Of course unless your 4'3'', your going to get your ass/feet shot to ****.
Basically the new X's suck and are going to change the way xball is played. That or your going to start seeing either a lot more 11 year old pro players, or teams are going to start training midgets to play for them.
Although I will say that there is one cool thing about them. If your a tall person like myself, you can chance a shot through the top of them, and from the back corners, you can lay paint right on back center on the Texas layout.