7 man top idea
Ramping - sucky idea. I know a lot of teams moved to the masters last year as there was no ramping. Was nice to have a series not following the current ramping trend.
Join in with the others and allow ramping and im sure it will effect some teams decisions of where to play.
Its suprising how the rampers/non rampers air thier responses. Rampers tend to post a ton on here saying all up for it, where as the non rampers have 1/2 given up trying to air thier views through fear of flaming, so instead tend to let thier feet do the talking.
Posts count for not a lot in the ramping debate!
Make it uncapped semi, that way its about skill and not technology. Firing fast is as much a skill of paintball as the snap shot.
Plus a lot less injuries from people getting mugged by a ramping fool!
Ramping - sucky idea. I know a lot of teams moved to the masters last year as there was no ramping. Was nice to have a series not following the current ramping trend.
Join in with the others and allow ramping and im sure it will effect some teams decisions of where to play.
Its suprising how the rampers/non rampers air thier responses. Rampers tend to post a ton on here saying all up for it, where as the non rampers have 1/2 given up trying to air thier views through fear of flaming, so instead tend to let thier feet do the talking.
Posts count for not a lot in the ramping debate!
Make it uncapped semi, that way its about skill and not technology. Firing fast is as much a skill of paintball as the snap shot.
Plus a lot less injuries from people getting mugged by a ramping fool!