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New UK Big Game for 2006?


New Member
Oct 27, 2001
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It’s with regret that I’m announcing I’m dropping this idea. I’ve tried my hardest. I’ve written letters, sent emails and called everyone I could think of; all to no avail. By and large, the response has been negative or non-responsive. The MOD hasn’t responded to my letters, not even to tell me to get fcuked. Loads of my other contacts haven’t replied at all. So, much as it pains me, I’m done. Work commitments and money are also an issue.

My sincere apologies to all of you. I can assure you, no-one is more gutted than me. The only reason I started this in the first place was so that I could play the game I wanted.

Thanks to everyone for their support of my idea and thanks for all the messages offering assistance. I also no have a new-found respect for game organisers, I had no idea how much hard work is involved. My hat is off to you.

Sorry guys. :(


Automag yeah baby yeah!
Oct 7, 2005
I dont think bugger will cover his pain bud but it is a bloody shame nothing came of it i would have been there as would i suspect quite a few of my fellow paintballers.Hats off to you bud for trying and as for the mod they can get F****d imo.DAMM DAMM DAMM :mad: