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New Tippman pump


Feb 16, 2009
When I first started playing we were using these as rentals, the only time they would shoot Co2 was if you pointed the barrel down to let the liquid Co2 run into the the marker, easily solved by using a syphon tank or being that its 2009- Air.

We used to get around 300-400 shots from a 9oz tank, which in those days was a days play! Not too bad, should get around 800-1000 perhaps off a small 0.7l 4500psi air bottle which would certainly make your arm ache.

Accuracy always comes down to basicly paint to barrel match and I'm sure if these take off that Tippman will offer barrel upgrades eventually.

What else can you buy for 165 pounds, that have this much support and easily available in the UK? The Stirlings have terrible support, Snipers are overpriced and nearly all totally custom and where can you buy a new Phantom or Kaos Pump + spares in the UK?

I'm not a fan of Tippman, but I think this is a great starter pump and could help bring more people into pump play.