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new style xbox released today at E3

3L1TE hax

Platinum Member
Jan 20, 2009
Haha cook ;) that is the best comment so far and nobody laughed ;)

Will there be any trade in deal? i have a current elite.... So if i get like 80% off or whatever i might do it, but no one wants 250gig's on a console and i have the internet wired up through the electrical sockets...

But it is shiny...


Active Member
Sep 19, 2003
Visit site
isn't the PS3, like, way better than the Xbox though?
Why would anyone buy an X-box these days?
haha are you trying to start an arguement lol.

ps3 please.......there new inovation is playstation move ??!! Sony are so dumb trying to go into a market nintendo have already smashed !

Playstation 3 is pointless now with both metal gear solid and final fantasy being on xbox360 now.

By the way i own both and i gota say im more than happy to pay to play online coz the lag on ps3 is shocking !


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
haha are you trying to start an arguement lol.

ps3 please.......there new inovation is playstation move ??!! Sony are so dumb trying to go into a market nintendo have already smashed !
And the new microsoft innovation is the Eyetoy.

PS3 is good. You get a constantly updating bluray player, and a pretty slick media centre for your coin. Plus, when 3D hits games consoles, which one will have the necessary bluray capability... Hmm..

But anyway, this has been done to death so the next person who brings it up gets a 2day holiday to play the console of their choosing.