Originally posted by Stan
It's a site so that's how they make their money... or am i just getting cynical in my old age?
Nah course it is - the more paint u shoot the more money they make - but with only one field to rely on i think a balance is needed.
Look at it this way if u have a group turn up for there first ever paintball experience and end up spending a small fortune cus you have engineered all your games so nobody makes those memorable crazy moves everyone does cus its impossible to do due to the fact the moment u step out a barricade u get light up like a xmas tree then, the group goes away having a good day but most likely abit reserved about goin again, u therefore lose there repeat custom.
And as far as i am aware the site is run on the basis turn up pay £7.50 and play as long as you want till just buy there paint.
Now if the field is design so everygame become a stalemate and ends the same way i for one wouldnt wanna play that field too long would u?
You see what im tryin to say - yeah course all sites make money through paint sales but when u are relying on one field like that with a kinda of laser quest time approach as opposed to the normal book in advance and play for a whole day u got make the game exciting to keep people hooked.