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New Site setup


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
Whilst Bon may have made the typical assumption that you're a 16 year old goober trying to turn his sisters Pony paddock into a Sup-Air field (an assumption that may prove costly if you turn out to be Russian gazzilionaire wanting to turn Tajikistan into a mahoosive Gulf War themed paintball park with helicopters, UAVs are space based frikkin lasers - I digress but there's an idea anyway);
Oh, and if Bon's assumption really was wrong, you can feed him too you're piranha's or whatever oligarchs keep for pets these days.
I'll put my bets on:

18-20 years old
Owns own gear (woodsball gear, not sup air)
Lots of land meaning, parents with lots of land.
Business experience being 1-2 years of A-Level business studies and marshalling a few weekends.

you might want to offer your experience, background and resources available (should you want people to take you seriously and get worthwhile feedback of course). Sure you might argue that's no-ones business, but with a fcuk all post-count you need to throw a bone if you want help.
The first 2 posts says it all realy.

I was wondering what the playing community would like to see from a new site setting up.

It has been said, again, and again, and again, and again, people expect quality days out. Well run, well organised, well structured. A quick search into the 3257 other threads asking the same question would provide the same answer.

What do other sites lack?, where could they improve?

See above

What type of game play/zones would you like to see?

See above. Also, why don't you go do some market research, play some days out and find out what games people like, and what they don't and what the good points all those games have in common.

Well unlucky for you I do have a clue and I know how much the MASSIVE cost is for starting up a site,

Unlucky for me? Ok? Well wish to share your mssive figure, because I actually did all this research for my A Levels (any excuse for a day off school paintballing for "research"), including all the costings involved, the finance I would have needed from the banks, the estimated pay back periods etc etc etc so know exactly what it would cost.

the aim of this thread for me was to get input from the playing community.

Then maybe you should have done some basic research using the search function on the site and built a more solid first post that one that looks like the other 3457 posts asking the same question.

I have a vast knowledge of paintball but maybe there something simple that I've missed, that someone would like to see from a paintball site.

I guess vast knowledge these days lacks basic common sence?

I'm all for helping new sites get established and proving a better paintball world, however your posts simply smack of a young, lazy, inexperienced person wanting others to do all the hard work for you. Why don't you provide a more detailed post, for example you claim

I have a lot of land that I want to transform in to a paintball site with a difference
The first thing you could have said is where is that land.

Who are you? How long have you been in the paintball world? Why do you think now is a good time to set up a site when many others are struggling or folding? All these are basic issues that would have been thought about and posted by anyone actually seriously thinking of starting a paintball site.

If im wrong, i'll apologise and wish you the best of luck, however I don't think im far off the mark in my assessment.
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Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Who are you? How long have you been in the paintball world? Why do you think now is a good time to set up a site when many others are struggling or folding? All these are basic issues that would have been thought about and posted by anyone actually seriously thinking of starting a paintball site.
Setting up now in the current climate would be a smart business move. Did you pass you're Business Studies A Level Bon?

Why not give him the benefit of the doubt? Even if he turns out to be a flake, it's a better thread than the usual parochial "Gun Whores Club" or 8 squillion classified threads. It's not as though anyone has anything more interesting to talk / post about is it? Even if we go about it in a somewhat dialectic and at times off topic way (thanks Bambulus for indulging us :p), lets not mug everyone off straight away.

If you are seriously going about this (in the current climate), you should work out why other sites are going under / bust / closing up? Would you be able to operate without making the same mistakes? Very few (and I mean a handful) of paintballers make successful business people (generally you're one or the other - I'd rather be the later), your player experience whilst relevant is a tiny part of what makes a site run.
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Active Member
Jan 26, 2009
ive played a few scenario sites, let me have a think about each one and ill get back to you with what i feel was good about each one and what i feel lacked in each one.


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
Setting up now in the current climate would be a smart business move. Did you pass you're Business Studies A Level Bon?

Why not give him the benefit of the doubt? Even if he turns out to be a flake, it's a better thread than the usual parochial "Gun Whores Club" or 8 squillion classified threads. It's not as though anyone has anything more interesting to talk / post about is it? Even if we go about it in a somewhat dialectic and at times off topic way (thanks Bambulus for indulging us :p), lets not mug everyone off straight away.

If you are seriously going about this (in the current climate), you should work out why other sites are going under / bust / closing up? Would you be able to operate without making the same mistakes? Very few (and I mean a handful) of paintballers make successful business people (generally you're one or the other - I'd rather be the later), your player experience whilst relevant is a tiny part of what makes a site run.

My 2 A Levels were Business Studies and economics, both passed with A Grades. ;)

And I would strongly disagree, with current data suggesting people are not spending out of uncertainty on the future at the moment, unless you have a substantial financial backing to last through until mid to end of 2012 I would say setting up now would be an exceptionally poor business move.

I know I don't have to explain to you the effect of the interest rate and inflation on spending, but with the current forecasts expecting inflation to be 5% over the next 4 months, the BoE is looking to move up the interest rate.

Likewise the recently announced rise in fuel bills, increasing the rise of gas and electricity prices by ~15% combined, people will be tightening up with their spending on non-essential purchases for some time to come.

For a new site with no name, no history to set up now would be foolhardy at best. In 18 months time, it probably would be a good move, but for the time being, I strongly disagree in setting up a premium service like a paintball site.

Having said all that though, a good businessman will be able to keep their business afloat or even in profit even in uncertain times.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
I think we need to hear from the man himself before this thread breaks out into a dust-cloud of pure speculation.

Mr 8518, hi, my name is Pete, I, and my merry band of trusted mods run the show here; a more resourced bunch of individuals you couldn't find anywhere else in European paintball I promise you and so you've come to the right place to ask a question such as yours.

And so, if you would be kind enough to let us know, your age, your approximate budget, the nature of agreement that secures the land for your site, the acreage of the proposed site and of course a rough detailing of this vast knowledge you quote .. ya know, what is the nature of this vast knowledge, things like, how long you been doing certain things for, playing, reffing, promoting .. ya know, all that kinda stuff really .. when you supply all this, we will give you a plan of action and also a list of pitfalls you may encounter dependent upon some of the information you have given us.

Many thanks for coming on and contributing; we'll give you some friendly and well meant advice as well it being sound advice from people who also have a vast knowledge of paintball like yourself.
I look forward to hearing your response young man.


CPPS Chief Chimp
Mar 26, 2008
I'd like to see the following:

1. Log cabins (sleeping 10) complimentary to teams training all weekend, pref with LCD TVs and gaming systems.
2. Sports domes enclosing fields with sprinkler system built into the roof, along with a slight curvature (+/- 2deg) in the pitch to allow for easy drainage and clean up.
3. Triple filtered air system, to keep marker internals nice and clean.
4. Complimentary shoe shine and barrel clean.

(Just in case he is a Russian gazzilionaire or owns Heineken)


eating brick!
Sep 18, 2005
worcester UK
IMO something akin to an indoor gym/sports facility with outdoor fields aswell.

featuring a cafe. locker room, shop, public viewing gallery and shower/fitness facilities for those who take their training to extremes.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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I know I don't have to explain to you the effect of the interest rate and inflation on spending, but with the current forecasts expecting inflation to be 5% over the next 4 months, the BoE is looking to move up the interest rate.
Hey, if your selling an interest rate hedge on an increase of the BOE rate I'm buying that trade. ;) I'd agree we have rampant inflation, but the fundamentals (sp) are different. A Quantative Easing programne at 200bn doesn't suggest a short term rate rise.

Anyway, setting up a site now, probably depends on how much risk you want in you're portfolio. I'd go for it. It'll take 9 to 12 months to get up and running - just in time for the hoped for recovery. Just be smart. Other peoples loss is your gain, and consolidation would be good for the industry as a whole. The one thing I would suggest, is don't compare yourself against other paintball sites. I'd be looking to compare the entertainment experience against other activities at a similar price point (go-karting etc etc)...


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
Hey, if your selling an interest rate hedge on an increase of the BOE rate I'm buying that trade. ;) I'd agree we have rampant inflation, but the fundamentals (sp) are different. A Quantative Easing programne at 200bn doesn't suggest a short term rate rise.

Anyway, setting up a site now, probably depends on how much risk you want in you're portfolio. I'd go for it. It'll take 9 to 12 months to get up and running - just in time for the hoped for recovery. Just be smart. Other peoples loss is your gain, and consolidation would be good for the industry as a whole. The one thing I would suggest, is don't compare yourself against other paintball sites. I'd be looking to compare the entertainment experience against other activities at a similar price point (go-karting etc etc)...
With the government making Uturns left right and center on policies, I would be waiting them out untill there is some certainty in sight.

Even with the 200bn and another 50bn?(i think) being requested, there is only so long they can hold off raising the interest rate to tackle the inflation problem.

There is a lot of potential work that can be done on a paintball site to get it suitable to play before any serious investment needs to be done. I think the majority of that risk can simply be negated by waiting :)