Hi buddy, Deltaforce centers normally do not let you use your own maker and air bottle within there policy, but i do know there have been exceptions in the past, ie. you know the site managers or marshalls very well.
Once you start to own your own gear and attend walkon's, you will be hooked for sure, so choose your gear carefully and that it will be right for you as we all know, buying twice will mean more expense. Secondhand is the way to go if you are on a budget, dont be afraid to post up links on this thread from the classifieds section for advise.
If you go for new gear, give the boys down at LIPs a call, they can more than likely do a package deal.
Marker wise, if your not much of a techie, you need something reliable and easy to maintain, then go for Planet Eclipse markers. Eclipse markers have a wide range to choose from ie, Eteks as already been mentioned to the more popular highend Ego' and Geo's.
Hopper, i would recommend a Rotor, expensive, yes, secondhand good condition can be picked up for around the £60, great on battery life, less on the pocket and easy to maintain/clean in the long run.
Bottle, fibrewrapped/carbonfibre, lightweight, if buying secondhand, check the date first and ask for advise.
Lets try not to use the word BULLETS :tsk:
If you want accuracy, key factors are :
Make sure your marker is setup correctly.
Well maintained/clean marker/hopper.
But most importantly for accuracy/consistancy, is the quality of the paint you use and how it has been stored.