this is something I don't understand.....
Why would Crossmann, a company that make low-end paintball products, and a bit of paint. A company that are not in the high end market at all, why would this company pay 100g plus ongoing running costs for an X-ball franchise, see them come last in their first season, then re-invest by offering to buy Strange and stick them in there instead.
Why would they do this when they have no TV ads to promote thier products to thier actual marketplace (entry level). Crossmann are either really mad, or they are not paying the whole bill. Perhaps they are yet another team that is basically paid for by the X-ball league (remember that the league owner - Richmond - is also the paint sponsor for all but one of the teams, and is therefore giving 3-5 million balls to 7 teams in the NXL, that's 35 million balls free, at an estimated manufactured cost of 180,000 dollars. If it turns out that the NXL are providing free paint to it's teams, AND paying them wages to stay in the league, what happens if the TV deal they dream of does not happen? How much longer can the NXL sustain this kind of expenditure...
Add this to the fact that they have not filmed a single thing yet, meaning that if they got a TV deal tomorrow they would have nothing to show for 12 months...