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New NXL Player Contract--Enforceable?


Tonight we dine in hell
Apr 17, 2002
I haven't gone through the contract in detail yet, but it seems to me paragraph three is unenforcable in it's current format. The fact that there is no recourse for players smells like a free trade restriction.

Basically, if player A is unhappy on team Black, he can't leave and play on another team unless numerous other teams approve the deal, and a set of restrictions and sideline time is met. while it sounds like a great way to keep players from leaving their teams, it sucks for the players. There's no remediation or arbitration options for the players.

and I would have posted this half an hour ago if I didn't get distracted by the catfight :p


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Jan 31, 2005
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I'm not sure I buy that. NXL is basically a corporation with franchisees. If McDonald's A decides you arn't doing your job, McDonalds corporate wouldn't be legally prohibited from preventing you from working for any other franchise.

Plus, the only time you're restricted is if the league is offering you a job. You can always choose not to be employed by the league or play in a different league.

I'm pretty sure structures lke this exist in at leas other american sports - baseball, for example, you can't be a free agent right way if you're drafted. You're committed to playing for the team who drafts you - EVEN if they cut you from the team or you quit, your only options for playing in that league are with that team or on their minor league teams.

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Originally posted by Chicago
I'm pretty sure structures lke this exist in at leas other american sports - baseball, for example, you can't be a free agent right way if you're drafted. You're committed to playing for the team who drafts you - EVEN if they cut you from the team or you quit, your only options for playing in that league are with that team or on their minor league teams.
Then you would be mistaken. C'mon, Chi-town, I know you're a corporate kinda guy but even so ... :)
It isn't like that and Congress had to pass sports specific laws to avoid ALL the professional leagues from being liable under anti-trust law.
The point isn't that the leagues can't have restrictions or rights but that the players must have corallary rights. When a team claims rights to a player they are obligated to also offer him/her a contract that stipulates what the player receives in return. And in fact once a player is drafted that doesn't end his options for playing--look at the draft any recent year and subsequent player movement.
If the players give this up now it will only lengthen the time it takes for them to be fairly compensated in the future.


Tonight we dine in hell
Apr 17, 2002
In most professional sports, they make allowance for contract arbitration to settle disputes over contract/wages/trades. Players have some recourse if they don't want to play for team x.

In the NXL contract, there is no recourse. If you quit team q, you have to play for team y. If they don't want you, you have to play for team x, and so on.

Comparing a restricted "professional" sports league to a food franchise is comparing apples to shoes. They're nowhere near the same thing.


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Jan 31, 2005
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I'm not saying they are the same thing, I'm just not sure I agree that the contract is unenforcable onthe basis of trade interference. All it says is "If we compensate you for playing, you'll play where we tell you to." If my company tells me my job has moved to a different location at a 20% paycut, I can either accept this or leave. I don't see how this contract is any different: Accept or leave.

Don't confuse this with me saying I think it's FAIR - fair and legal arn't the same thing.


Getting Up Again
if two entities sign a piece of paper, its valid, binding and 'enforceable', until such time as one of them decides it isn't - and then you get the legal hassles.

I see one interesting potential trouble-maker here and that is the clause that states that NXL will honor all team contracts.

Even when the team contract comes into conflict with NXL issues?

I can see lots of room there for someone inclined to screw with the situation to make trouble.

If they want to do this the right way: NXL owns the rights to all players in the league and offers a baseline compensation package (right to play, eqpt deal). The contract guarantees that the player will stay with NXL for x period of time.

Then, during a draft, the franchisees 'pick up' a contract and ADD their own internal deal to the basic NXL one.

All players are then on the same page so far as contracts go, they're guaranteed a team for x period, a minimal level of support (to cover issues like the 4,000 mile practice commute) and the franchisees get their protection.

all contracts are standardized.

NXL has a few organizational issues holding over from the way it was formed; if it really wants to do things 'right', it needs to straighten out its franchees/non-franchisee situation and put all of them on the same program.

if they really want to do things the right way, they themselves will create a a players repping org.

I also see no real provision for 'free agents' in there.


Platinum Member
Nov 30, 2005
whitmore lake mi
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hey guy's it's real simple the nxl could ameand that rule by putting a trade deadline say after the second event of the year. before that a owner could help a player make a trade to another team with out other owners consent. but after the deadline a player would have to clear wavers.(just like other profesional sports). But one good thing about this is though it should make all players sign a contract with their current team. and to be a true free agent you have to be a player with no contract other wise you are a restricted free agent at best. i know i'm jumping around a lot but you should get my point later jim