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New Marker What to Get!!!


#16 Reading Entity
Nov 4, 2009
Glasgow, Scotland
mines is a 1.0, it basically wasn't looked after and had the board, speaker etc damaged and other things like screws getting lost. well if you consider that the original luxe was released in 2008 or something like that and they still sell for the same as ego 10/11's and other similar gun then that is pretty impressive. obviously if you buy a new luxe 1.5 for £1,100 the value is going to drop massively to round about the £600 mark but if you buy it second hand from somewhere you won't lose a great deal on it.


Killing for BZ 2013
Oct 6, 2007
i appologise for my sense of humour, however posts like this have been posted in these forums before and have been laughed at in the light hearted mannor i wrote it in. Also paintballers who play paintball for the fun and competetiveness (if thats how you spell it) of the game use this site .... not the police and chavs who want to shoot people up with their new shiny tippmann 98' A5's X7's and so on ..... and if i am wrong please correct me but for the 4 years i have been on this forum and the 7 years i have been playing i have never seen chavs coming on here to buy guns/markers to use to shoot their neighbours and rival chavs who live in the area they are in.

If you knew me you would understand my humour and how i am and would know i am not out to cause trouble so i have removed my post and i appologise for what i wrote and promise it wont happen again!

Many thanks and merry christmas !



Aug 19, 2003
Buy a tippman A5 and put a massive shroud on it a set of sights and a lazer on the fron then if any chavs come to the door or try and break in to you car "i dont know anyone who has done this HONEST" you can scare them with your machine gun looking paintball marker !!!! however if you want my honest opinion stay with your NT (cos im getting one :D)
What? I know you are joking, but if someone saw, and sent the Police round, they would come with real guns.

NOT good.