For a Bushy, it looks pretty tidy generally sure another colour would look better....but, then you see the trigger blade..i mean...come on, its not an Inferno!
It looks like an extra out of star wars! But let's face it It's the Stats that make a marker and if this thing outshot every other marker with sh#t hot accuracy then who would care what it looks like?? I do appreciate that looks are a massive bonus though.... Bling Bling
The Freestyle is a blow forward marker, much along the operating lines of a mag. There are some major differences though. The freestyle doesnt use a spring return like the mags. It uses a 4 way solenoid much like the bushy.
The marker is dual regged like the Bushy.
Reports had it that no hopper at ICD was able to keep up with the extreme rates of fire that the Freestyle could achieve.
Nope I'm guessing that the whole back of marker slides back and forth.
Now I swear I saw something like this on the new Version of Battlestar Galactica.