I'm going to run a series of articles focussed upon the characters in our sport, some of whom were there from the beginning and a lot of them who are still around now.
I'll give you the low-down on who they are, what they are/were like, what they've achieved and what they got up to.
I won't be pulling any punches, and believe me, if I don't like any of these people, you'll know about it but I'm not going to let it descend into a cesspit of abuse, that would merely distract people from what it is significant.
A lot of the characters and personalities I will write about could well be chiselled into Paintball's very own Mount Rushmore but in this case, there'll be a lot more than four individuals carved into my featured personalities.
I realise there's a risk of over-indulging in people from waaaay back but if and when I do feature someone from back then, the vast majority of people will have at least heard of them.
Some of those featured will be my friends, some my sworn enemies, some will be dick-heads I've pissed off and others who've made their mark in our sport.
From the likes of Jerry Braun to Ollie Lang to Rich Telford to John and Jackie Sosta - I'll tell all, and then some
Start sweating [some] people ….
Now, I've gotta think about who's first for the chopping block ... watch this space !!!
I'll give you the low-down on who they are, what they are/were like, what they've achieved and what they got up to.
I won't be pulling any punches, and believe me, if I don't like any of these people, you'll know about it but I'm not going to let it descend into a cesspit of abuse, that would merely distract people from what it is significant.
A lot of the characters and personalities I will write about could well be chiselled into Paintball's very own Mount Rushmore but in this case, there'll be a lot more than four individuals carved into my featured personalities.
I realise there's a risk of over-indulging in people from waaaay back but if and when I do feature someone from back then, the vast majority of people will have at least heard of them.
Some of those featured will be my friends, some my sworn enemies, some will be dick-heads I've pissed off and others who've made their mark in our sport.
From the likes of Jerry Braun to Ollie Lang to Rich Telford to John and Jackie Sosta - I'll tell all, and then some
Start sweating [some] people ….
Now, I've gotta think about who's first for the chopping block ... watch this space !!!
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