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ne wargamers here?

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Originally posted by Diggie
You know what's really funny? Nearly 80% of the Bandits all play or used to play them, and yet none of em came out of the woodwork. Prolly afraid to look nerdy on the forum because ballers are hard asses who don't tinker with those wussy dollies. :D

Who me? Nah dude, never played any of those games, and I never ever was an area manager for that company that makes them. Honest.

Al Woods

GFH Trouble Maker
Jul 7, 2001
Your 30
Ha haaaaaaa!!!!!

Now here's some funny **** right here. the bandits. The exponents of cool, showing a weak link in their chainmail pimp suits.

"bull**** man, you only rolled a two, I saw it cheat. Move your Dark Elf hob-goblin orc beast back to the caverns of doom and gimme back my half-breed human spell caster....."

Hehehe, ok a little harsh but I always found the whole thing pretty funny. Skidder used to play it and has a bunch of pretty cool looking Warhammer (I think) robot marines and **** like that.

"hey, that's no way 6cm, you can't shoot me form that far anyway, let me measure it....." :D

sorry, I just see tearful fat kids on a Sunday huddled round a table with their own 'special lucky dice' and rulers signed by Steve Jackson......I used to love the deathtrap dungeon books though.


Come to Goatboy ladies...
Sep 26, 2001
West Sussex
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I'm stopped and shunned that some many players who I consider to be the "coolest of the cool" can admit to having played or continue to play.... wargames.

I would just like to make it clear that I have never been tempted to waste hours of my younger years playing any of the following geekish childish soppy games:

Call of Cathulu
40K ( I never had an Eldar pirate force or a squat army either)
Block Mania
Space Hulk
WarHammer Fantasy Battle

;) :D


New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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Hi Chip

They are talking about fantasy wargaming - you know, the thing where you have little models of fantasy creatures & run them through scenarios. Best known version to non-gamers is called Dungeons & Dragons. The posts are referring to different formats & game types.

I, of course, know nothing about this subject either & have never indulged in AD&D, 40k, Space Hulk or that one (can't remember the name off hand) that's based on American Football. Naturally, I don't have any Space Hulk marines & definitely don't have any skaven, dwarf or human teams for the last mentioned game.