surely Aldi own brand sponge be better? and cheaper?
Scotty J M UK Asylum Div 1 CPPS Mar 10, 2008 598 1 0 Brackley Apr 30, 2009 #21 surely Aldi own brand sponge be better? and cheaper?
obladeo Platinum Member Lifetime Nov 27, 2008 868 70 63 45 In a Shrubbery May 1, 2009 #23 Get kirbys protection as it's all hand painted too. Many see it on the antiques road show in the future so it's an investment!!
Get kirbys protection as it's all hand painted too. Many see it on the antiques road show in the future so it's an investment!!
C clement New Member May 4, 2009 9 0 0 May 5, 2009 #24 As I may have mentioned during the Walk-On in Asylum, I like the look of that Smart Parts barrel, sorta gives an impression of a space-age conventional-weapon fusion.
As I may have mentioned during the Walk-On in Asylum, I like the look of that Smart Parts barrel, sorta gives an impression of a space-age conventional-weapon fusion.