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My my, how the cookie crumbles ...


#16 Reading Entity
Nov 4, 2009
Glasgow, Scotland
never even crossed my mind that this is who you were talking about Robbo, and it seems a real shame for new issues to be coming up just when it seemed like everything was dead and buried. Hope this all gets resolved sooner rather than later.

EDIT: I see, i did follow that fiasco quite closely at the time and was glad to finally see it come to an end when we got the answers we were looking for. Think i did mention back at the time that there's no smoke without fire and it's one of the few times i don't like being right! obviously i'm in no position to really comment without knowing all the facts but i've no doubt you'll get to the bottom of things yet again :p
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Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
Liam, it started last year when I asked for the accounts and whereabouts of all the money he had taken in donations for an alleged type charity called 'support for soldiers' ... he couldn't produce the accounts when I asked for them but did much later on after they had been compiled .. go figure :/
If I recall, the produced "accounts" were a joke of 10 lines in excel or something similar... with very little... accountability...


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Whenever sh!t like this goes down, different sorts of people become involved and say this that and whatever .. most wish to remain anonymous for whatever reason they deem fit, I've got no real problem with that because not everyone thinks like me but .. the point here is, I just received an email from a Mr X, I really have no idea who he is but this is what he said in his email, I have copied and pasted it :-

Hi pete,
I am sending this via an anon email as I do not want to be seen to be taking sides.
Picture attached. Up until a few days ago it was on facebook with a comment from Tim "everyone favourite psychotic forum owner" . . comment now removed.
Few other things . .
His facebook pages for both shoreline and bluewater "buy" likes. They go up over 1000 at a time in a matter of hours. With most likers from NY, New York. Hmmm suspect.
Its the pbshow which sits uneasy. I know he tried to get guests on the show to say negative things about you / p8ntballer which didn't make the final cut as no one would say a thing. This is first hand.
It apparently got 400k hits, which is weird as Game of thrones only got 900k. A man like yourself should look into this.
Sables keeps posting about lips saying they stole from charity. A complete lie. Disgusting really.

The pic is of him sitting pointing at a pic ....

The missing accounts last year should have rang people's alarm bells but the more I find out about this creep, the more of a coward he is, he insults me but won't face me, at every juncture he trie3s to buck the system to suit himself.
He takes in money from donations to a soldier's charity and he doesn't keep accounts that are readily available and only compiled them because I was asking for them ... now, take the balance of probabilities here, who has something to hide here, who has something to gain here?
I am not the one holding other people's donations, I don't stand to profit one iota from anything, why would I go for him, there's nothing in it from me whatsoever ...
And now we find out he's been buying likes .. oh my .... how crude and obvious can you get ... bottom line is this, if he's a man, why not meet me and stop pulling stupid faces and pointing at pics ..
He can prattle all he likes to his cronies but he ain't got the bollocks to meet me???
He knows why ..and so does everyone else who has sufficient IQ to appreciate what he's been up to ..
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#16 Reading Entity
Nov 4, 2009
Glasgow, Scotland
Its the pbshow which sits uneasy. I know he tried to get guests on the show to say negative things about you / p8ntballer which didn't make the final cut as no one would say a thing. This is first hand.

its a bit off topic now but i did think that this was quite childish at the time. although no names were ever mentioned it appeared obvious (to me anyway) where the comments were directed.

edit: just to clarify this was quoted from the email, and not robbo.
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Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
PS I'm off on my hols tomorrow and so I might feel different when I come back but there's more chance of me joining a monastery the way things are going ..:rolleyes:
Have fun while I'm sunning myself :)

Peace out !!!


UK Redskins
May 6, 2004
Essex, UK
Robbo, Go on holiday, put your feet up with a Beer and chill out with your family - Dont forget the sun factor 50 on that bonce of yours.

My Twopenneth.
Like everyone else I have read this and the episode a year ago. We all know on here what your connection is within the industry and that you have friends such as Ledz and other top people. 99.9% of this community are behind you and trust and believe in anything that you say. Whilst I dont personally know you but have met you a couple of times, I must side with you. Again I dont know Mr X but have attended in the past a couple of events that he has arranged and I must say that with all the hype and build up to events, I was disappointed and have made known to my friends that I would never spend my hard earned with his company again. It seems to me that he wants to be Billy big balls and does not care less upon who he bad mouths, upsets or just generally p***es off. He does not appear to want to represent Paintball and try to grow it, he just wants the big bucks and to rip off us as paying customers.

We all know there is Karma and I hope there is a video camera there when Karma comes around and kicks Mr X sorry A**e.

Chill out, leave the forum in charge of your most excellent Mods and dont think about this sorry episode (unless theres loads more that you have not divulged yet).



Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
As a lot of you guys may know, i spent a lot of time and became friends with Sergey Leontiev, the owner and guiding light of the Russian Legion.
He is an extremely bright individual who owns 4 banks and is one of Moscow's leading financiers.
He told me something once that relates to this thread and barnett.
He stated the following:- 'Pete, there are 4 powerful and influential institutions in most nations - the army, the government, the church and last but not least is the press. If you are going to pis$ one of them off, don't attack the press'.
He is of course right and the fact barnett has elected to attack me and this site is testament not to his lack of wit but to his megalomania. He thinks we're powerless or more likely believes he can control me, he cannot, he's absolutely powerless.

On another note, i mentioned earlier in this thread who barnett has turned on and attacked threatening to destroy Lips, BZ, Manic & Gi milsim, he's pis sed off Ged Green and myself and perhaps one of his most stupid 'threats to destroy' is Warped. Jim and Tim are stand up guys who promote the biggest uk - scenario game in the uk.
Jim and Tim are both well aware of barnett's threat to destroy them but an interesting side-note to that threat is, since making that threat to destroy ( some years back) warped's big game has got bigger and bigger, and yeah, you guessed it bigger.
I think Jim and Tim should be ironically grateful to barnett for increasing the very thing he wishes to destroy.
The list of people on barnett's destroy list is growing with no sign of slowing up.