Say what now? (At this thread, not the above post...)
Buddha 3 Hamfist McPunchalot Jul 6, 2001 10,095 699 198 51 The Joseph Stalin school of moderating. May 20, 2009 #11 Say what now? (At this thread, not the above post...)
Tincs retired from reality :-) Nov 9, 2007 424 46 48 NEWQUAY May 20, 2009 #12 not the right time of year but here is a bit of chaviness to play to the person who complained about your avatar....peace ( john )
not the right time of year but here is a bit of chaviness to play to the person who complained about your avatar....peace ( john )
JamesH Platinum Member Mar 14, 2009 397 2 0 birmingham May 20, 2009 #13 Tincs said: not the right time of year but here is a bit of chaviness to play to the person who complained about your avatar....peace ( john ) Click to expand... Even though u just wasted 4.09 of my life... that was SERIOUSLY funny xD!!
Tincs said: not the right time of year but here is a bit of chaviness to play to the person who complained about your avatar....peace ( john ) Click to expand... Even though u just wasted 4.09 of my life... that was SERIOUSLY funny xD!!
J JWarren Mar 11, 2009 105 0 0 Billingham/Teeside May 20, 2009 #14 I thought it was a Santa beard at first glance, now I see your much harder than santa kid
Rat eating brick! Sep 18, 2005 1,543 167 88 37 worcester UK May 20, 2009 #15 really chavvy!!
phil-boy UK Redskins May 6, 2004 3,379 770 148 Essex, UK May 20, 2009 #16 I dont find it offensive only funny, funny pics are the best !!!!!
gelt Consultant Jun 15, 2008 262 0 0 Littleport May 20, 2009 #17 Well thanks everybody I thought it was o.k. myself. I promised the guy I would give this the attention it deserved, and I have so thanks all for the sanity check.
Well thanks everybody I thought it was o.k. myself. I promised the guy I would give this the attention it deserved, and I have so thanks all for the sanity check.
Dskize I Would Dec 6, 2004 4,341 300 118 50 Duntryin May 20, 2009 #18 Meh,tell 'im to sod off or you'll stab 'im.
spangley_special Free Agent Sep 26, 2006 2,810 134 98 Bristol May 20, 2009 #19 Dskize said: Meh,tell 'im to sod off or you'll stab 'im. Click to expand... ...and jack his phone?
Big Mac My Custom User Title Oct 19, 2006 2,305 44 83 34 York May 20, 2009 #20 since when have chavs been gangsters anyway. At least gangsters make an income even if it is through illegal means
since when have chavs been gangsters anyway. At least gangsters make an income even if it is through illegal means