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Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot

He did a similar thing in an earlier thread. He was told there that this sort of stuff has no place in T&T. He started arguing and calling people names. I explained things to him again. Then all of a sudden this thread appears, obviously meant to flip the finger to me/us. So this is my way of flipping the finger back at him. :D

But there is indeed a touch of evil in me.:p


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Oct 30, 2002
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Originally posted by Buddha 3

He did a similar thing in an earlier thread. He was told there that this sort of stuff has no place in T&T. He started arguing and calling people names. I explained things to him again. Then all of a sudden this thread appears, obviously meant to flip the finger to me/us. So this is my way of flipping the finger back at him. :D

But there is indeed a touch of evil in me.:p
buddha is tainted with evil:eek:


Super5ives 2010 Champions
Lucky really!

Its quite lucky he got banned when he did, I was very close to getting myself banned through some pretty exotic use of the English language invloving many superlatives and a few explitives! Might have made him cry, if he wasn't from the US I'd have challenged him to a one on one! Then shown him whos boss!


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Oct 30, 2002
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Lucky really!

Originally posted by Smally85
Its quite lucky he got banned when he did, I was very close to getting myself banned through some pretty exotic use of the English language invloving many superlatives and a few explitives! Might have made him cry, if he wasn't from the US I'd have challenged him to a one on one! Then shown him whos boss!
you should still challenge him, and then go over and take him down!! it would have been pretty bad if you had gotten banned though


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Oct 30, 2002
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Originally posted by Smally85
... yes that would be cool, unfortuantly I don't like the idea of hiding in the landing gear of a 747 across the Atlantic. If I'd been banned Smally86 would have had something to say about it!
*shudder* im claustriphobic(scared of small spaces) i dont think i would make it, prolly jump out onto an iceberg!:(